Oliver Blink IMPROVED

Ginger ^^

Potata Got Dem Majestic Flops


B-max :3


(C)SIS WHAT?? (fat rant)


25.04.2021 18:55
Okay there is no way you ain't WANTING people to be pissed at you. Because you should 100% KNOW what you say is offensive and people will disagree. I think the shitty argument was "bi loves all genders (you're already enbiphobic so like"all genders" prob don't mean much to you), so pan existing implies trans people are not their preferred gender".
Idk I read that bullshit somewhere before. And hi!! I used to identify as bi, and pan before that, but now neither! When I was pan I though I had no preference to gender, then I realized I did so I went with bi. However, bi can confuse people, because I am not into straight cis women </3 so now I identify with poly! Could I use bi instead? Yes. Do I want to? No. ARE PAN PEOPLE TRANSPHOBIC??? NO *****! Like every pan person I even know is trans themselves so like,,, tf? And yeah you can me trans and transphobic that is a thing but like...They also call you out on your transphobic bs. The fact you'd say pan ppl are transphobic when you are

25.04.2021 18:55
LinkOPENLY transphobic yourself is just like, new levels of hypocrite.
And uh yeah, generally harassing people bad boo hoo.
But I'm just sick of your bs and if you want to talk shit about people you invite people to do the shame to you.
Petition to get all the people 17+ on FA to assert their dominance and get it through this kids skull that not everyone on fa is a tweenager that's just following the crowd.
Like we are all separate entities with our own thoughts and opinions I just happen to also have the popular opinion that you are an asshole.
Bruh if you said half this shit irl someone would have beat your ass by now. I mean maybe you have idk. Yeah this is an aggressive **** you and I'm not sorry for being dickish.
And folks don't forget this is @smilingnyan, because you know vagueposts are illegal or something so I gotta make sure I plaster than username somewhere
Also don't be shy,, respond to peoples comments, or are you too aware you're in the wrong?

25.04.2021 18:56
LinkOnly shit comeback I've seen you use is that people are just agreeing with the masses.
But I wonder, maybe if most people think you're being a transphobic panphobic cunt that you actually are?
Not all of us are 12 we can think for ourselves.

25.04.2021 19:00
LinkAHAH I LIKE how my two most recent posts are just my official stance on controversial people.
Also I'm just thinkin about how fa is just a bunch of queer mentally ill children yelling at each other and that's funny to me. Let's have our sexualities and disabilities fight like a pokemon battle.
For reference I thought smilingnyan had shitty takes since I found out she was panphobic, which was quite I while before she was openly transphobic.