
Clean up! Clean up!

Baby Papyrus (Cute Warning)


L.A fanart: so it begins...



04.02.2023 23:23

04.02.2023 23:24
LinkYes these guys are fully based off the dragon version of my sona because I can do that :p

04.02.2023 23:31
LinkDescription: Most featherwings are on the smaller side, but can be bigger or smaller depending on the subspecies. A majority of their body is covered in feathers, their underbelly, where the horn meets the head, lower half of their legs, plated fronts of their wings, arms and legs, and along down their spine are the only places that are covered in scales. These dragons vary in color and patterning. Although they most often resemble species of birds. They have frills at the sides of their heads and feathered mains going down along their backs. only freatherwings in the raptor subspecies have claws on their wings.

04.02.2023 23:37
LinkAbilities & subspecies:
Basic/tropical featherwings: Fire breath, strong jaws and claws, fly for a long time without tiring, can mimic voices and sounds
Raptor fratherwings: Fire breath, strong jaws and claws, silent flight and great hearing, fly for a long time without tiring (some have night vision)
Semi-aquatic freatherwings: Hold their breath for up to two hours, strong jaws and claws night vision, can swim for a long time without tiring

04.02.2023 23:40
LinkQueen: Talon
Each subspecies has a royal family, but the tribe as a whole has one queen. The royal families make up a council, from that council only the queen's daughters and daughters of her two right claw advisers from the other subspecies can challenge her for the thrown.

04.02.2023 23:43
LinkNames are often based around birds, but are also based around colors, a dragon's appearance in another way (Ex: Goldclaws), or rarely plants.

04.02.2023 23:51
LinkFeatherwings live as the sole tribe on a smaller content called Aves. The content has a variety of climates- a desert, jungle, forest, mountains, and an arctic region to the south. ((I'll make a map later))
Scavengers also share this content with them, and featherwings suspect they may have sentience akin to dragons, after much research from Tropical and Basic freatherwings mimicking their silly little squeaks. Until more research can be done with more concluding results, the queen has forbidden the hunting of scavengers.

04.02.2023 23:58
LinkFeatherwings, for the most part, highly adore shiny things. The amount of jewels that the high ranking royalty wears could easily rival that of the likes of queen Scarlet or princess Blaze. Even a majority of the lower class has some form of bling.
On rare occasions small flocks of featherwings will make the long flight to other contents. The large wings of the Basic, Tropical, and raptor freatherwings allowing them to cost the air like migratory birds.

05.02.2023 00:02
LinkProfessions often are based on what subspecies a dragon belongs to. Raptors are more often hunters or guards, Tropical and basics are often traders, shop owners, farmers and craftsmen. Aquatics are often fishermen and gatherers. But this is only a majority, as any dragon with the right qualifications can serve any job.

05.02.2023 00:02
LinkFeatherwings are an open species!

05.02.2023 05:35
LinkExtra tidbit I forgot in the description!:
Featherwing wings are about as large- if not sometimes larger- then a skywing's. Although, not as powerful in the sense that they're better designed for long distance travel rather than speed.

05.02.2023 07:21
LinkNiceeee, I love reading these! They so creative!!!!!
Comment removed

05.02.2023 16:01
LinkThank you!!! :D

06.02.2023 20:44