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"Ranting" abt Nooby again lol
18.11.2020 01:13
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18.11.2020 01:15
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Unofficial Incomplete Nooby Saga. 7 pages of notes, and 2 mental breakdowns let's goooo. Not a canceling post lol So lemme type m
18.11.2020 01:17
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I may misgender Nooby at times and I’m very sorry for that UWU The First Drama UWU Also how I met Nooby ------------------------------------- Ok so this first situation involved Shadow/Mae, 10, Nooby, 13 (At the time many people thought she was 15-16) and Ash/Me, 13. Shadow and I were friends and exes, but I am her FA mother/father (Haha online incest is wincest), Shadow and Nooby were dating at the time and Shadow drew p0rn of their sonas together. Which is child p0rnography. They later deleted it and issued an apology. I had talked to Mae about the issue, during the duration of the whole thing I thought Nooby was 15-16. I had told Shadow how bad this situation could be, that Nooby could be grooming them. They eventually broke up and I “exposed” Nooby for dating a 10 year old, I don’t remember exactly what happened after that, but I do know that someone was saying Shadow was wearing the drama like a crown. She had been posting vents, if Nooby blamed her. “Its her fault,” Shadow then abandoned
18.11.2020 01:17
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ShadowMonsterChan and moved to a new account which I will not disclose for her privacy. I had gotten in contact with Nooby to try and get her side of the story, hahah lol ecks dee Ash harassed her. Jelly, Nooby and I were in a group chat, as per my request. We bickered back and forth, heres some lines I kinda remember from it. A: Istg if you say MAP rights or some shit I’m gonna commit die J: I N: What tf are MAP rights A: Minor Attracted Person rights N: I mean age is just a number A: Pull the trigger piglet J: I- Nooby wtf did you just say Nooby and I hated each other for awhile but finally made up, and started dating. But hold your ****ing horses heres a quick little note, at the time I was still dating Random and DMed him about breaking up, before I got a response back, Nooby and I went together. We did end up breaking up but I never told him about us, I told him about a week later Nooby and I were dating and he told me to be careful
18.11.2020 01:18
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That whole “hacking” thing that happened --------------------------------------------------------------- This is a subject that I keep flashing back to. In the short sense, I had snapped and did an immature thing, again I’m sorry for that. And if you were living under a rock when that happened, here’s a quick summary, I had snapped back at Nooby and changed her pass, we had traded passes a few days before and I wanted to put it to good use, revenge. I didn’t upload anything on his account, just changed her pass and Nooby of course reacting back, uploaded porn to my account, mind you, porn of minors. I eventually gave in and told her what the new pass was, during the whole thing, she kept saying how we would both need to restart. But some of you guys said you would be there with me if I ever had to restart and I thank you for that. She came back with a post saying “Guys unfollow me” with her persona/main oc Nightmare rolled up in a ball and crying. Cha cha slides
18.11.2020 01:18
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That rant about me she posted lol ------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok so, this was a response to a now deleted rant, this may be kinda shitty because I was rushing it, at the time Nooby was not using she/her pronouns so don’t attack me for that “Mmmmmmm time to ****in defend myself yeah. Ok so basically I’m running down the points Nooby made in his rant yeah. Ok so point one, my constant love vents. I mean like, I’m always in need of love??? And if I don’t get it I just feel sad?? Or in other words, Obsessive Love Disorder “What is obsessive love disorder? “Obsessive love disorder” (OLD) refers to a condition where you become obsessed with one person you think you may be in love with. You might feel the need to protect your loved one obsessively, or even become controlling of them as if they were a possession” And in my case this is with (most) of my exes and current partners. Sometimes I just don’t feel loved?? Onto point two, me being a shitty ass backstabber. Yes, I di
18.11.2020 01:19
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d “backstab” multiple people (Nooby and Random) and time to explain my reasoning. Ok so numero uno, Nooby. So I “exposed” him awhile back (Like 2 weeks ago if I remember?) for the shit he constantly kept doing. Which he’s stopped now and I applaud you Noobs. Numero tres, the misgendering. I had been going by they/them pronouns like a month before I even started associating myself with Nooby, when we started dating he asked me what gender I was, I said female to non-binary. He even pointed out I constantly reminded FA I used they/them pronouns, which he chose to ignore. But now he’s using he/him so thanks rat man <3333. And now onto Random, holy ****ing shit, I know I was asking for sin by like *Pounces on you UWU* And most of the time I wasn’t joking. But doesn’t a 13yr and 15yr ****ing kinda idk strange?? We never used OCs for it and he did when he was dating EmmyDraws. And in our private chats, Random used she/her when referring to me which makes me grgrgrgrgr.”
18.11.2020 01:20
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The child p-word ------------------------------------------- There’s no doubt in my mind that most of the porn Nooby has drawn as cp, many of other users. She of course asked permission though, which still doesn’t make it okay. Most of these people were/are underage, and Nooby drew their personas like this, which if I’m not mistaken, is child pornograohy. “Oh BuT rUlE 34-” No shut the **** up. Rule 34 isn’t a ****ing excuse for you to draw minors like this. You’re ****ing disgusting if you think its fine.
18.11.2020 01:21
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Time for the trans thing weeee ------------------------------------------------- I’m probably going to get cancelled but m. Yes I do believe Nooby is trans. She was talking about having dysphoria in my DMs, and decided she was going to kick the closet door down and come out as bisexual and trans. As for fetishzing the trans community, she is an oversexed teenager. And Nightmare is sorta her persona? So she tries to make Nightmare more like her? Have you noticed the things she’s said to BloodyPandas, who is 16? And Nooby is only 13? We shouldn’t cancel someone just for being horny (Except if their drawing cp, being creepy towards minors ect.) It is disrespectful yes, but can you blame her? She’s just wanted to fit in with that LGBT+ site, not just be known as the guy that sexual harassed minors and drew child pornography. We should try and give her another chance, I know we’ve given her way too many chances but can we just give her one more?
18.11.2020 01:21
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My final thoughts lol ------------------------------------------ Hey, if you’re seeing this you made it to the end of NTCA and thank you! I do have other users that helped me with this, so I’ll be sure to give them a shout! Like I said earlier, please don’t harass anyone I mention in this doc, small pp move. I wanted to try and get my feelings out for everythings that happened, and bring awareness. Also let me make this clear, Nooby is not a pedophile. She is 13. A pedophile must be 16. It’s still creepy asf but it's not illegal. I did not touch on the topic of the sexual harassment claims because I don’t know most of the story, I do remember one thing Jelly had told me that Nooby had asked him to “Draw himself with a collar on” Ew. Wtf. And by Nooby standards I believe it. To Nooby; I recommend you should try and make you’re apology better, tbh that one was dogshit. You're fanbase is full of horny fetuses. Anyways stop drawing cp and ilysm <3
18.11.2020 01:27
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18.11.2020 01:41
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18.11.2020 01:47
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she lol
18.11.2020 21:49
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so u rant about them but u r dating them?? datz kinda toxic!
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