WWYD (Let me type!)
12.12.2020 23:21
LinkGen went missing
You're at the Glitch Family House (Gen's full name and Po's shall compare so you'll udnerstand, (gen) Glein Loli Glitch, Po ---- Glitch, Their last name is Glitch so yeah Gen's family) T.W, Po, LlaLla, and Dipsy break the news to your oc that she is missing.
If you have any cat oc's please use that oc, Tiger, cheetah, but please not lion unless it's the ONLY cat oc you have, in this universe Gen is the Queen of the animal kingdom (Except for humans) and please use some sort of animal oc, and no you can't be an Alpaca because they don't exist in the wild. don't ask! in this universe/world there were only 2 ultima lions (aka Queen/King lions) they were both girls but Gen killed the other so yeah, and Po, Dipsy, LlaLla, and T.W. are alpha lions and the only ones, btw Rita and Ryan are bears just incase you're wondering
Also if you're wondering, Ultima lions are higher than Alpha lions, and also for wolves, alphas are renamed as Peira wolves! Yes, Peiras... Peira wolves. yup. anyway wolves
12.12.2020 23:33
Linkare under control of Queen Gen too, Peiras are right under the control panel of royalty, and also there's only Peira wolves and normal wolves, no omega wolves or anything. Nobody knows that Gen is just Glein's nickname. And humans DO exist in this world but just don't be a human. And if you want to be humbel (is that how to spell it?) and not be friends with royalty you can just see a missing poster! There's 5 forests, 1. Cane Forest (Grows a lot of sugar), 2. Fera Forest (Also knows as food forest where people fight and the loser(s) get's eaten by the winner), 3. Weral Forest (There's a pretty waterfall that we drink out of), 4. Leru Forest (off limits to the citizens) 5. Koli Forest (Where the royalty live, it takes about 3 hours to get to the middle, then another 2 hours of no trees but only short grass, and after all that you're at their house made of grass and metal. and all dens (animal houses) are half underground.
And yes, rebels do exist but are very rare, you're oc can be a rebel, and also there'
12.12.2020 23:35
Linkthere's a random jail where you get burnt alive.
and this is 3/3, the last page of reading...
Anyway yeah, please roleplay with me harharhar! Also there's special queen's servants aka assistants