other versions of Rose X3 (#1)

Dragon in the rain


Slugs-snails love is canon



sans and gaster
bye guys im leaving fa fr


26.10.2020 11:42
Linkno stay!

26.10.2020 11:47
Linksorry but i have to i have no choice

26.10.2020 11:47
Linkfor real this time now i found a new website to keep drawing i know i said i will post prt 3 but looking at my prt 2 and prt 1 it didn't get anything i loved this website it was the best thing i ever used and i loved hanging out with you guys it was a pleasure to meet all of you especially borkeduvu i learned my lesson not to steal art because of him i found aggie.io and i been sticking to it so yee but dont worry i will still post my drawings here and come to visit to time to time so thank you for 53 fs really thank you! bye guys it was fun but now its time burn it into the ground

26.10.2020 13:07
Linkwhat is the new app

26.10.2020 21:18
LinkIts aggie.io Its this little thing I showed him where you can draw together.

for real this time now i found a new website to keep drawing i know i said i will post prt 3 but looking at my prt 2 and prt 1 it didn't get anything i loved this website it was the best thing i ever used and i loved hanging out with you guys it was a pleasure to meet all of you especially borkeduvu i learned my lesson not to steal art because of him i found aggie.io and i been sticking to it so yee but dont worry i will still post my drawings here and come to visit to time to time so thank you for 53 fs really thank you! bye guys it was fun but now its time burn it into the ground