tell me ur ocs backstory
04.12.2020 17:03
LinkHow can you say no to that smile
04.12.2020 17:04
Linkalso inspo
hallo, i can't really see other people's animations for some reason so can you tell me what's in there?
so one day, murete (another oc of mine), was kind of in a vacation. she was supposed to not let the darkness that she protected not go loose, because it was a terrible mistake (it happened before) but she left the vacuum open, and the darkness went loose. The C.O.B cast tried to get it back but it was to strong. it went loose to bobby's athomspre, but to survive it needed to take form of a life form. it decided it would be fun to take form of the future king, atlantic. so it took form, but in the process, it got genderbend, that giving her the nickname global.
well here i go
Cassidy was a girl in the 1800s born in half of the royal family, she had a baby brother a mother, and a father. one day when her mother(not in the royal family but filthy (nice person and kind-hearted tho)rich after her mom died)told her t go get something from the castle that had been left there after leaving. Cassidy found her mother's neckless on the table and turned to leave. soon she was home but it was being threatened by a mobe of people wanting to kill oof the royal family. the mobe had pitchforks and torches (etc.). one of the men in the mobe had thrown their torch to the ground near the house with it going up in flames while the family was inside. Cassidy was in the back and helpless she couldn't do anything about it. after a couple of minutes of the mobe throwing torches and banging on the door the firemen and the constable came to resolve the problem. once the fire was out many arrests were made, one of the firemen noticed Cassidy and saw the royal neckless and asked her....