<3 ibuki <3
10.12.2020 21:23
Linkherez why nonbinary identitiez are zcientifically impozzible :]
tranz people have dyzphoria becauze they have the oppozite brain to their genitalz, a tranzwoman haz a woman brain and a man body. therez no such thing az a brain with no hormonez, if a brain doeznt get any hormonez its a womanz brain uzually, and no hormonez iz bad 4 the fetuz. it can cauze mizcarriage too if the woman haz too few hormonez. zo your brain cannot literally be genderlezz
brain zex ztudy: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21334362/
tranz brain zex ztudy: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10508-016-0768-5#Sec2
hormone nezzecity ztudy: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/1997/03/970321141042.htm
explanation in laymanz termz: https://myragewillendworlds.tumblr.com/post/26153676338/why-there-almost-certainly-is-no-non-binary-brain
why itz harmful 4 tranz people: https://myragewillendworlds.tumblr.com/post/134755552050/blind-acceptance-of-non-binary-identities-does