the beautiful night sky

Sally Face.

Dog walk

Lavender (reupload)

Nirvana in my own Mind

Just Fabulous ✨

Lord B.Boxington walkcycle
I dont want to but like--


09.02.2021 01:37
LinkSo i may have to leave this site.. Uh
Its kinda changed me, And ive noticed how i barely have any more motivation... So, I may leave- In the future, That is. I cant stay on her forever, And FA is kinda boring nowadays- So yeah

09.02.2021 01:38
LinkIf ya know what i mean, Nobodys really online anymore- No yeah. Nothing to really do-

09.02.2021 01:39
LinkIf i do end up leaving and coming back, I may not tell anybody at all.
But, I also just might- But my passwords gonna change soon, Meaning that ill have to memorize a new one, Bc like-
I use the ony pass i can remember, And by the time ill feel like coming back, my pass will probably be changes :/