💚The End Of The Rainbow💚
How to get likes
Sasuke Uchiha 💙
thepapersandwich as an avatar
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13.05.2020 20:32
Linkso hopefully this one people will like. its pretty simple and hard at the same time. for this contest you need to make an oc of any kind with three random colors. you can incorporate black and white but the main colors need to be the ones chosen. there are nine colors being flashed above. you need two screen shot 3 or pause because i think you can i dont remember. at least one color needs to look out of place. how you win is how you use all three colors equally and they look good
1st: fanart, follow, shoutout, 15 likes
2nd follow, shoutout, 10 likes
3rd shoutout, 5 likes
due at the end of may
have fun!