rant to me about ur prob's : >
13.03.2020 12:53
Linkcan anybody because id love to join in and just do this
13.03.2020 12:54
Linka n y o n e
13.03.2020 13:01
Linkcool cool then comin in hot
Lifes boring the usual happens and school is just hard. The material is hard to comprehend and i can't get a grasp on my favorite subject because everything in science is all on computer. I loved it when science was more hands on and it made it easier to see how stuff works, but nope, I have to be glued to a computer screen for 6 to 8 hours and i already am enough as it is! Another thing is that I'm oh so lonely and my bae lives alllllll the way in goddamn massachusetts and i live here in washington! I've considered breaking up with him, but we scheduled a get together when I go to wisconsin this spring break. I'm also very torn about my sexuality because I identify as a male, but my parents did take it very well, actually, I don't even know how they think about it! I apologize for this being so long, but its not that common that someones willing to listen to a complete strangers problems, doubts, worries, or mishaps of their everyday lives!
13.03.2020 13:02
Link*didn't take it very well
13.03.2020 13:14
Linki get it, school is overwhelming. and the computer doesn't always help. i get it. 100%. but maybe take a break..? that sometimes helps.
and you should be proud of your sexuality, your being yourself.
13.03.2020 13:16
LinkIf I could like give you a hug right now I totally would be squeezing you to death you amazing dude TvT glad I'm not alone and I am proud I just wasn't sure what to do
13.03.2020 13:18
Linkyey i lub hugs