Hia my beloved aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


24.12.2021 21:39

24.12.2021 21:53

Some sorta demon price manz- lol
Sexuality; Gay (a a are you proud of me- my first gay boyo)
height; 5'7
Taken or not; Not
*s k i n n y*
Info; When he was 2 yrs old he got his first pair of horns, he grew up in a royal family but they went to war and he had got sent to earth, when he was 5 he got wings, which was unusual because he grew up with a demon father, and angel mother, so he was rare hybird, some lady took him in and taught him how to hide his wings and horns yadada went to school found out he was gay [A lot more then there usually is here lol]
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