plez don't ask me if i'm...
26.09.2018 01:43
LinkBut i want you to be okkkkkk
26.09.2018 01:44
Linkbut i can't there getting worser
not even going to ask... I know you have hard times. when you're into the part (your going to die stuff) I get it a lot but it's not true to see im here and I'm still alive... so please i don't want you to be like me before I use to have a panic attack.. (when my friend committed suicide ...) I need comfort to you know... im here when you need me okay so be positive don't be harsh on yourself okay... I HOPE YOUR GOING TO BE OKAY! ;)
well stuff those people! ignore them or just laugh in there face, people who bully are usually just trying to make themselves feel better... don't let them! you giving in is giving them what they want. stand up for yourself... it doesn't matter what they think (or just tell a teacher, they are pretty useless sometimes but it's worth a try?) use there words to come back at them. I'm not so sure if this makes any sense but it worked for me?! my brother and his friends use to always bully me but not anymore because i stuck up for myself, and sticking up for yourself doesn't mean to get in a fight with people, it can just be with words... and a smile! (soz if this somehow gets you in trouble).