10.09.2021 01:33

Well I’m doing online high school. Have no idea what online school or whatever I’m doing though.
For my parents high school is just like the point where I shouldn’t associate with people at school anymore because of the usual bad stuff that happens in high school or whatever so it’s been the plan to go online high school for basically my whole life. Honestly I think I would’ve been fine with it if we weren’t in a pandemic but I’m sick of staying home now so it’s pretty half n half I just don’t know the deets or how I’m gonna feel when it comes.
Do you know what high school you’re going to?

I’m going to a brand new school apparently. Keep in mind it opens next year, literally has no reputation, and doesn’t even promise success. Yet I have to go there despite YEARS of planning on enrolling to Olympics.
I want to go to Olympics because I know people there, my cousins are going, and my older cousin has experience there. But I have to go this school, that I don’t even know the name of, without my cousins or people I know in previous schools.
I’ve tried arguing with my mom, but she's really stubborn and would side with her customers instead of me.

I’m so sorry about that, last minute changes are the worst. I really hope the first year goes well for you though I’m not sure what you could do about it but how did the situation go with your mom? Do you think there’s anything else you could do to help convince her? I’m hoping that if the new school doesn’t work out you’ll be able to move to Olympics at least. Maybe you could try talking to someone else who your mom will listen to and ask them to tell her about it?

She’s all about trying to get me to succeed.
She makes points like:
-Olympics doesn’t give out that many scholarships (which is factually incorrect from my cousin who went there)
-Olympics has bad students to do drugs and try to get you to do it with them (which is literally something that happens in every school)
-The new school brings new opportunities (according to her because, like I said, it’s not even open yet)
I have tried talking to my cousin, the only one who understands how I feel and would try to help me, but they lost their ability to convince my mom since she doesn’t like how they dress or act.
Any other attempts will probably be in vain, but I’ll try one more time, with backing up evidence to support my opinion (lmao ELA has taken a toll on me)