Cyan: *she apprehends you, revealing the knife in your other hand/pocket* This is why I learnt how to apprehend people. *she throws the knife into a vent* See ya sucker. *she walks to weapons*
*in weapons, her and black are talking, fairly loud, but you can barley hear what they are talking about. The only words you could clearly hear where, "wait what-" and "H U H ?"*
*Cyan pulls out a knife*
Cyan: IF WE CONTINUE FIGHTING, I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL KILL YOU. *Cyan then heads to a vent and throws a knife inside, opens it, and retrieves the knife* God. *She stomps away, furious of her surroundings.*
Blueberry: *moves his heads to see a broken visor and a huge cut on his head*
Cherry: *scared and sad, but has a hand signal behind their back*
Sea Green: *creeps up to blu puts the nap time spray cloth around his mouth, being a quiet killer like they are*
Sea Green: *snaps fingers and the room now looks like a tea party and the chair and ropes become invisible while They and Chestnut cutely puts makeup on them*