Imma do a contest :3


08.05.2020 23:09
LinkTry to draw an oc of yours as a character from weird dimention!

08.05.2020 23:10
LinkExample: Ethan
(wait imma get him

08.05.2020 23:10
LinkNormal ethan

08.05.2020 23:11
LinkWeird Dimention Ethan (kinda failed, so i didnt post it)

08.05.2020 23:13
LinkWeird dimention characters are given new powers depending on how they look
As in ethan's tail can grow abnormaly long and grow back. His tail is like a straw and will go into the rest of people's throats, just to meet the stoumachs to suck the vitamins out, and leave the rest.

08.05.2020 23:14
LinkIt makes no sence, that's why it's weird

08.05.2020 23:15
LinkFirst: Follow, a like, and fanart!
Second: Like, Fanart
Third: Like

09.05.2020 00:06
Linkbtw they need personalities
Comment removed

kk here.
its of my conjoined twin OC Rin and Jin. Rin is the one with a eye as Jin has the mouth.
they're sorta fused with their Shade/void so they pretty much and corrupt stuff around them. they dont have actual arms but can manipulate Void to make ghost like arms for themselves, one each. they speak using Telepathy and when they do it comes out as erie and would always be in riddles

*notices they need personalities just at this moment*
Rin is more of the calm one till someone shows any sign of aggression or fear and instantly becomes sporadic and violent, loving to watch others s*ffer under his violence
Jin is just completely alert and will attack if Rin seems at all upset. though cant see so normally misses

here u go the Shadow Stalker Form The W.D our D Name Light Stalker has multiple teeth flat ones are for crushing bones sharp viper like teeth are for parleying (or killing depends on age)Prey the sharp teeth behind them are for tearing apart meat form the fat which it spits out beside the fat it leaves nothing not even fur (and clothing)