I fucking hate my school
04.04.2022 23:33
LinkEveryone at school keeps thinking I'm a furry cause this whore Lily found a furry TikTok account and the person looked like me so being the ***** ass whore she is, she told people it was me
04.04.2022 23:33
LinkI cant even explain how badly I want to punch her ugly ass gargoyle face
Rumors fcking suck B R U H
How is that even proof its you?
I've never had it that bad, but someone made a joke that wasn't even funny that i LiKeD tHiS kId that idk
and everyone took it seriously
So half of my science class came up to me asking
"hEy, Is YoUr RuMoReD cRuSh TrUe?"
Ive only had one tiktok account, sure I've gone on tiktok and yes I did have an account but i barely posted and i never showed my face, and the fact that now they are going to assume some random ass furry account is me, that whore being who she is could black mail me now because that's just who she is. If people were told that was me, they would harrass me and shit, my school hates furries.