Shattering World Chp.4


02.12.2021 16:22
LinkJust in case your new:

02.12.2021 16:24

02.12.2021 16:31
Link"Come on! What are you guys waiting for?" Fire said. Everyone looked up. The originally dark pine forest was now glowing in a huge layer of fire.
Moonlight gasped,"Fire? Do you think there is any possible chance of Iris and Jingles still being alive?"
Fire shrugged. It looked like that no one knew the answer. And there is only one way to know.
A cat between Snowflake and Moonlight was licking her paw. This was their pet cat, Ginger.
Cin, Fire, Snowflake and Moonlight ran to the nearby seashore. They grabbed heavy buckets of water back ready to pour it all on the pine forest. Half of the forest was already engulfed in the fire. Burnt, and never found again. Snowflake looked at the forest and hoped that Iris and Jingles were fine. In the middle of her thoughts. Her hands suddenly felt way lighter. Snowflake looked down at her hands. There was no longer a bucket in both hands. And the cat beside her was gone.
Then she heard Cin's voice from near the remaining pine trees.

02.12.2021 16:40
Link"Oh no! Look! Ginger!" Cin screamed. Fire, Snowflake and Moonlight ran all away there. Moonlight was the first to come.
"Cin? What's wrong?" Moonlight said. Cin did not reply, but Moonlight found the problem herself.
Ginger was running INTO the fiery pine trees. Holding a bucket full of water.
Fire and Snowflake appeared next.
"Ginger! Noo!" Fire said, running behind the swift cat. A flaming tree branch fell down and splited them with the cat.
In pure dismay, they kept putting water on the trees. After a while, they fire was gone.
Fire,Cin, and Snowflake plopped all the way to the ground. They were too tired from putting out the fire.
A cat with two people came out from the now soggy pine trees. It was Ginger, Iris and Jingles!
Moonlight rubbed her eyes in surprise. Was that really them? Yes. It was them.
After a long break, They kept on going on the search for Sunlight.
Well, they WERE until they stumbled across a village.

02.12.2021 16:40
LinkDone this part to! :)