CLASSICAL style RP -mmm classy
27.11.2018 01:36
Linkbasically an RP of how we used to RP back in the good ol' days.
-zee coming in and making dark jokes every 2 minutes.
27.11.2018 01:36
Link*that - is a minus
27.11.2018 01:49
Linkawe no. we need zee to do it xDDD
27.11.2018 01:55
Linkwait so what kind of rp. one of the really violent and dramatic rps?
27.11.2018 01:55
Linky E s
27.11.2018 01:57
LinkOof how do we start though owo
27.11.2018 01:57
LinkY E E E E E E E E E S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
The undertaker : she watches au’s and worlds through tiny mirror like holes “
Multi media observes her” when can I learn
The undertaker : she shows her a mirror and they peer Down to the au there in “
Roxanne : she was on top of a building “
Lira and ember were walking in wherever they were “
Comet: she watched over people with her grand daughter”