Tween test! (Criticize me plz
13.04.2020 16:23
Linkhalf of it isnt even tweening.
13.04.2020 16:24
Linkyeah on the left it turns into animation
Bro,,,, it looks unnatural for it to be one frame copied and pasted so all I di was draw an extra frame or two and copied and moved them
SmilingNyan13.04.2020 16:42LinkReportDelete
Shut up and take the criticism u little little baby
ShadowMonsterChan[OP]13.04.2020 16:44LinkReportDelete
Wtf bro how about you stfu you retarded fetus
SmilingNyan13.04.2020 16:47LinkReportDelete
Why should I lmao I think the only retarded one here is the one getting offended when people point out you used the wrong label
Calling me a baby is immature you ****ing piece of blended cow shit
Seriously, what did you expect from asking your child followers to give you advice. What did you think they were gonna tell you. Actual crit? That's not how flipanim works. If you don't give actual crit you get yelled at but you only spend a couple minutes writing it. Spend a half hour writing real crit and you get yelled at. There's no winning, definitely not with you
So yeah, I would say it isnt tweening either. I would say to make it not go up that high and like you tweened the right one, do it on the left. I dont think this really helps 😅