- create flipbook animations online!
Unrelated, read my lorefic
29.06.2024 00:32
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`APARTMENT COMPLEX 10:35 PM` The sun began to dip behind the horizon, casting a golden glow across the sky, the parking lot near the apartment complex was dying down in activity, tons of cars had been parked out there. IMG was on his tip-toes, looking through the window with his hands pressing up the blinds, examining all those pretty cars with an excited grin on his face. A dark blue truck parked. IMG squinted his eyes, spotting /him/. It quickly closes the blinds and turns off the lights, *pretend you’re not home*, he thought to himself. Moments pass til he heard the doorknob twist and open, the shuffle of metallic feet make their way in. IMG drew his head back, looking at the contractor and fiddling with his sleeve anxiously, wires on his back lowering, [`HI LIPVIS..`] It mutters lowly, looking down at the carpet they both stood on.
29.06.2024 00:32
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Lipvis narrowed his eyes, closing the door behind him before making his way over to IMG, setting a cybernetic hand on his shoulder. [`Hello, IMG.`] The hand moves up IMGs neck, then across IMG’s jawline. [`WHAT DO YOU WANT..`] He whispers quietly, grabbing hold of the contractors wrist and pulling it off his face. [`To see you.`] Lipvis says , yanking his arm away from IMGs grasp and delivering a whack across IMGs face. The android fell, lagging a little before pushing its palms on the ground, attempting to get up til Lipvis kneeled down, taking hold of IMGs wire in a tight grasp.
29.06.2024 00:33
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[`GET OFF ME! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS? YOU— GAH- YOU KNOW—`] Img was pulled up from the ground by his wire, yelling out. [`WHY?!`] Lipvis only narrowed his eyes at IMG once again, turning him around and violently pushing him into the wall. [`You know, IMG. You can’t do anything to me because we both know you like money. You are nothing without me.`] Lipvis said, grimly . IMG lowered his head in anguish. [`SO YOU’VE COME HERE TO HURT ME? I DONT UNDERSTAND. I HAVENT DONE ANYTHING TO YOU— I—I—`] IMGs quivering voice was broken off, Lipvis curled his fingers into the Androids hair, pulling it to the side. [`I .. DONT UNDERSTAND,`] It whispers solemnly, hands raising to grip hold of Lipvis’s wrist again, pulling it back desperately. [`PLEASE GET OUT OF MY APARTMENT- IM- IM NOT EVEN ON THE JOB RIGHT NOW!`]
29.06.2024 00:33
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It protests, Lipvis shakes his head slowly, releasing his hair, moving his hand down IMGs arms, gripping hold of its wrists. Confused and scared, it raised its head slowly to look back up at his boss, frowning with discomfort. [`Do you want to get paid, IMG?`] Lipvis says softly, IMG nods his head in silence. [`Then, stop ****ing everything up.`] He leans forward, inches away from IMG’s face, who drew his head back. [`I-I’M NOT- I DON’T MEAN TO.`] He exclaims quite quickly. Lipvis sighs, pulls IMG’s ARMS forward, letting go for a moment to grab a fist full of IMGS hair, slamming it into the brick wall. [`GAH! JUST - LEAVE ME ALONE, PLEASE! I DONT KNOW WHAT YOU WANT FROM ME! * I TRY, *`] It says as Lipvis keeps slamming his head into the brick, parts of its head manage to dent horribly. [`YOU— ARE DESTROYING ME.`] Lipvis let’s go, [`What the **** do you expect? Me to hold you , hug you, say everything is going to be okay?`]
29.06.2024 00:34
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[` i dont expect that from someone like you, who’s wife left him because you beat her too much.` ] IMG says. There’s a silence, a little giggle makes its way out of Lipvis, [`You little shit. I’ve had it with you. `] He laughs quietly , turning IMG to face the wall. [`I DIDNT MEAN IT. SORRY! I AM SORRY!`] Lipvis grabs hold of the back of IMGs neck, pushing it forward so IMGs face pressed against the wall, its wires wrapping around himself in somewhat of a hug to prepare for impact. . . It was an hour later when Lipvis left. It lays on the ground, staring up at the ceiling blankly, hands resting on its chest. About half his face was damaged horribly, rips revealed metal in them. It tilts his head slowly to the side, raising hand slowly to its head, clicking a button hurried behind its ear, turning itself off.
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