- create flipbook animations online!
Get over here bro
09.09.2020 14:50
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Never not drawing corey like this lmao So u starting right?
09.09.2020 14:52
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Yuh yuh u3u
09.09.2020 14:52
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09.09.2020 14:55
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-tommy was in their bedroom, putting a dark green bowtie on, he wore a black suit, his hair black with his usual green tips, he wore his golden wedding ring, he wore a lavender flower on his shirt, pinned right next to his pocket, he patiently waited for his wofe to get ready for their date, smiling widely as he went into the living room-
09.09.2020 14:58
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-corey was red in the face as she slid her stockings on, her hair neatly tied up in two pigtails with pretty pink bows, she didn’t have much on her mind other than she knew she couldn’t go out that door, she’s dressed up for Tommy before in private but, having other people see her like this scared her, she stood up as the shorter dress flowed just aboher knees, she walked out into the living room, her face still a deep red as she covered her face, nervous of his reaction-
09.09.2020 15:07
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-tommy looked at her with sparkley and excited eyes, every time he saw her dress up for him his heart skipped a beat, he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her cheek, it was his dream for them to dress up and go out to town whether it would be a dinner date or a walk to the park, they usually would both use suits but knowing that she liked these dresses, he was more than excited to see her smile and blush as they went out to town- you look so amazing honey!!!! I hope this old suit is fine, im just so glad that you agreed to this!!!! I really do deserve you -he then smiled and pulled out a small golden heart locket, putting it around her neck- one final lityle touch -e gave her a smile and kissed her on the lips, blushing happily all the while-
09.09.2020 15:11
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-she kissed him back a bit shakily, her hands clasped around his, their rings touched for a moment before she slid her hand away and down to tug her dress down, she looked back up at him with a smile- y-you think so? W-what if someone sees m-me Tommy? -she whimpered slightly- t-they’ll laugh at me I know it! -she went back to grabbing his hand, she was clearly still nervous, but still, she trusted that he would make sure she was okay-
09.09.2020 15:23
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-tommy chuckled as he revealed a handgun in his jacket- im sure no one will laugh at you honey, youre still stronger and smarter than all of them, some clothes wont change that -he chuckeld as he started to dance with her, letting her follow his steps as they slow danced for a bit, he spun her around making her skirt suish majestically as he then dipped her down and held her back up in his arms, holding her close as he transitioned almost seamlessly out of the apartment and into the streets, they now were walking down in the night of the city, some people looked but payed no mind to them, a few other couples going on dates were also walking past them, some wearing dresses, some full suits, though tommy didnt seemt to pay much attention to them, he was fully focused on his wife, giving her the love that she needed- see? Its not so bad -he chuckled as he continued to walk with her-
09.09.2020 15:26
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-she had both of her arms wrapped around his arm as she pressed close to him, her little boots clicked on the ground and her dress swayed, her tail was low and swaying and her ears were flat against her head, but her breathing was calm, she knew she was with him and everything would be okay, she panicked only slightly when she realized she forgot her cane, but once again reassured herself that nothing bad would happen, she looked up at him as she spoke, this had to be the softest she’s spoken in months, she didn’t sound much like herself aside from her very prominent city accent- w-w-where are we going tommy??
09.09.2020 15:45
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-he started to pet and scratch her ears, he knew she was nervous but he was proud of her more than anything- were going out to the park right now, the stars look pretty and its nice and cool outside -he smiled to her and kissed her forehead, his head was high and his chedt was puffed out, he looked confident and proud when he walked with her, loving her more than anything in the world, he would do anything for her, anything in the world, and he knew she'd love what tonight had in store for them- then we're going to go out to dinner, your pickb, anything you want, and remember, nothing is too expensive for my princess -he chuckled as he pulled her head to his body, letting her feel his heartbeat, it was strong, loud, is heart beated proudly for the love they held, just happy she was there with him-
09.09.2020 15:51
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-she leaned into his touch happily and looked up at the sky- c-can we have sushi? It’s right by the docs too! -she held onto his hand tightly and purred gently, after a bit it seemed she wasn’t holding on so tight to him, she started walking on her own and a bit more confidently, some people gave her odd looks, but nothing more then that, they knew better then that, after a bit a mother was walking with with her young daughter as they walked past them, the mother paid no mind to them, but the child paused infront of tommy and Corey, she smiled widely and giggled- hey!! You are the people from the news! You look really pretty miss!! -she turned to tommy- and you look handsome!! -the mother huffed and grabbed her child’s arm, looking at corey and tommy with a soft nod- I-I apologize- m-my husband works for you guys, p-please, she didn’t mean anything rude-
09.09.2020 16:18
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-tommy looked to the mother and chuckled- no no please dont be sorry, we dont want to be feared, just respected, here -he took out a small peice of candy and gave it to the child, giving another two peices to corey- were judt going out for a walk and some sushi, wed love to see you at the casino sometime, who knows you could win big, but not too big, got it? -he jokingly gave her a fake threatening look, though it was quickly replaced with a wide smile- try not to give your mother too much trouble kid -he rubbed his cheek against corey's and blushed, holding her hand as they walked along- sushi sounds amazing right now, then we could sit by the docks under the moonlight!!!!! -he chuckled as they walked into the park, the trees flowed gently in the wind and the old streetlights gave the entire park a dim and comfortable warm light to it, he kept her close to his body, a few couples watched the stars above them, a few shooting stars falling, tommy turned to corey- theres supoosed to be a meteor shower tonight
09.09.2020 16:19
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Maybe if we finish diner in time we can see the entire sky sparkle just like your eyes!!!
09.09.2020 16:25
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-she giggled a bit smiled at his comments, she wondered where he learned to be so romantic, she made a note to ask him later on, she glanced up at the sky and nodded quickly- I’d love that -she held onto his hand gently as they walked, eventually making it to the restaurant, she smiled at him- thank you for, doing all this for me, getting me a day off and letting me test this old thing out- -she rubbed his hand gently as she walked inside- tommy I’m really happy to be your wife you know- I’m really glad we found eachother- I really am-
09.09.2020 16:54
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-tommy looked to her and smiled- and in glad to be your husband, every single day is a blessing with you, an adventure that we get to have together -as they wrre seated he held her hand closly, letting her sit down first, he decided to sit next to her rather than across from her, wanting to be closer to her, his hand never left hers, he felt more than happy and proud to be with her- the world wouldnt be the same without you corey, truly, your kind, and smart, and though i know you get scared sometimes, though i know you get insecure, i know that were meant for each other, through the years weve been together, ive never been happier in my life, thank you, truly, for being there with me, through the bad and the good, through everything, thank you, truly
09.09.2020 17:01
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-his words seemed to make er heart melt, her ears lowered and her smile was so wide it hurt her, her tail twitched happily as she stared at him- oh tommy- the world wouldn’t be the same without you, I can’t wait to be your queen, and a proud mother -she smiled happily at him, her eyes half lidded and she rubbed his hand with her paws gently, leaning against him a bit- -a waitress showed up at their table, and although she thought it was weird two people were sitting on the same side, she decided not to question it, she looked pretty young, maybe in her teens, she gave them a small wave and sighed a bit, tired from a long day of work- hello, and what can I get you two?
09.09.2020 17:20
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-tommy smiled to the waitress and pointed at the menu- lets get a full salmon, surrounded by as many types of sushi you can make, I know its been a long day ma'am so hows about a round of long island iceteas, one for you too, and after that bring a bottle of your best vodka -he turned back to corey and rested his head against her, kissing her playfully as he held her hand- i cant wait to be a father, soon im going to give you the world baby, and we'll be on top of everyone who ever wronged us, I love you so very much, tonight is for us, and no one will get in the way of that
09.09.2020 18:06
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-the waitress actually smiled a tired smile as she nodded, starting off to get their stuff- -she smiled at him and kissed his cheek, setting her paw over his hand as her tail swayed gently- I’m glad we found eachother those years ago -she snickered a bit- without you, I don’t think I’d have been given a second chance- -she rubbed his hand, then somewhat shyly pulled it away, glancing off with a red face-
09.09.2020 22:37
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-he saw her and grew a deep red tint on his face, even though theyve known each ither for years he still got bashful sometimes just from her beauty alone- I feel the same my love, without you i wouldnt be the same without you, you are the source of every good in my life, the source of every positive change ive had, and I known that will only continue as the years go on, honestly i coudlnt imagine what would have happened to me if i didnt meet you, i appreciate everything you do, every compliment you give, everything you do to show your love makes my heart soar, although i may not have as much energy nowadays, I do know that one day we will be the greatest king and queen the world.has seen -he pulled her cheek to him, and kissed her lips, this time it was long and loving, he put as much love as he could into this kiss, wanting her to feel all the love she's given him, double if he could-
09.09.2020 22:45
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-she smiled happily at all the words he said, she truly loved this man, and was more than happy he chose her to be by his side, she kissed his cheek gently and rubbed his hand under the table, she chuckled a bit and glanced off- you’re the best, really tommy -the waitress came back up to them, setting both the food and drinks down with a smile- here you are!
09.09.2020 23:07
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-tommy smiled to the waitress and grabbed a peice of sushi - thank you very much! -he then wrapped his arms around corey and nuzzled her cheek, putting anothrr peice of sushi in her mouth- youre the one wearing the dress for me you cute adorable bean -he winked at her scooted nice and close to her, putting a hand on her thigh as he looked to her happily, loving her just being there with him-
09.09.2020 23:16
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-she smiled happily at him, her face heating up a bit but she didn’t quite mind his hand placement, she happily ate her sushi, her tail swaying happily as her hands now rested above the table, going to eat another piece of sushi with a giggle, she sipped her drink and winked over at tommy with a playful grin-
09.09.2020 23:23
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-he winked back at her as he drank his drink, eating soms salmon with her, eventually leaning against her as they ate together, his tired eyes looking to her happily, he smiled at her with a chuckled, adoring how cute she looked in her dress- i love you corey, so so much
09.09.2020 23:30
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-she giggled sweetly and smiled as she continued to eat, feeling much more comfortable and safe now, after a bit she had finished eating, and her drink was getting pretty low, she was a soft giggly mess, holding onto Tommy’s hand as she finished up her drink-
10.09.2020 00:00
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Tommy finoshed his food as he finished up his own drink, he held onto her hand and set some money for the check down, giving a considerable tip, he lead her out of the resturant, out into the docks where the salty air penitrated their noses, once they looked into the sky the meteor shower had just started, the sky was full of streeks of lights, illuminatinf the sky in a magical glow of stars, he walked the both of them to the docks, they sat down at the edge, his eyes twinkled in the lights as his jaw dropped, he was mesmerized, holding her hip to hip, speechless, never letting go of her paws-
10.09.2020 00:08
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-her eyes were wide and glistening as she stared up at the sky, all the stars reflecting in her eyes as she did, her ears were lowered as she happily stared into the sky, her paws clinging to him as she smiled up at the sky- w-wow- t-tommy this is- beautiful!
10.09.2020 00:20
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-he looked to her and rested his head on her head, his arm went around her body for a snug hug, he then stared up at the sky as the warmth of their bodies kept them warm, their heartbears synced, and he nodded, smiling happily- it is isnt it, these are the moments that I truly love in this life, here with you
10.09.2020 00:25
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-she smiled sweetly and rested her head against his shoulder, watching the sky happily as her feet dangled over the dock, swinging gleefully, she rested her tail on his lap and gently sighed, her eyes went half lidded, feeling happier then she had in a while, it felt good to do real couple stuff with Tommy, he was the only person it seemed who just saw her as another human, he wasn’t someone she needed to scare or hide from, she could just be herself, and that’s why she was now confident enough to go out with him like this, letting herself be who she really wanted to be
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