stay home


27.11.2020 01:42

27.11.2020 02:08

Stella Morabito is a former CIA analyst and Soviet propaganda expert, who was stationed in the Soviet Union during the Cold War.
COVID isolation is ‘blatantly and obviously cover for social control’. Enforced seclusion is “all part of the totalitarian mindset,” Morabito said. In a recent article, she further condemned the “social isolation and misery” of COVID measures imposed by “certain power grabbers” that leave us “locked down indefinitely, economically strapped, and demoralized.”

“What this COVID thing is doing is basically putting us each in kind of a vault,” Morabito said. She compared current lockdown measures to social separation tactics used as a “weapon of choice” by Soviet and other communist regimes. “How do you control people? You isolate them. You control their personal relationships,” she said.