to excited, starting early.


27.09.2022 19:50

27.09.2022 20:02
LinkOMG okay, so this is a halloween type contest. just spooky scary horrifying shit okay! Gore, fears, monster, ect!
i fcuking love halloween so im super excited to do this.
as always there are rules, dos and don'ts ect ect, boring but essential.
1: Absolutely do NOT steal from other creators here or elsewhere, ill find out somehow if you did.
2:don't make it cutesie unless you're doing something like oh idk, flower gore/candy gore then its okay but otherwise i want this shit keeping me up at night.
3:be kind to other contestants, not everybody is as skilled as you chad.
4: be kind to yourself too, spooky can sometimes be a pain.
and last, 5: have lots of fun!
okay, what you can and can't do.
Blood, lots and lots of blood
things that make you piss yourself ofc, i want scary.
nudity is okay! just don't draw shit like zombies fcuking. how do i explain that to my therapist?
again, no cutesie gore.
thats pretty much it.

27.09.2022 20:07
Linkoh! and if you want to do it off sight thats fine!
and before i forget, please don't do fandom things, just your ocs is fine.
now everyone's favorite part, prizes!
4th: you get a shout out and 20 likes<3
3rd:you get a shout out 30 likes AND a sketch of chosen oc.
2d: you get a shout out 50 likes and a non coloured drawing of chosen oc AND a custom
1st: you get a shout out 100 likes, coloured drawing of chosen oc, a custom AND one of my nestling species. (you get to chose everything about them, kinda like a custom but of my species.)

27.09.2022 20:08
Linkif you have any, ask questions!

27.09.2022 20:08
LinkOH when you're finished please attach anims here!!

10.10.2022 19:29
Put it in the wrong place

31.10.2022 20:54
LinkComment removed