this is why I hate everyone


08.08.2021 05:54
LinkI honestly fuggin hate this site, bae, idgaf on how many alt accounts you make, I am going to block all of them, the shit I did wasn't ok, but for you to blame shit on me that I didn't do that isn't ok, you should take your fair share of shit and move tf on

08.08.2021 05:57
LinkI come on here, look at my anims to see if anything is new? nope. my friend is still blocking me, for whatever reason, im not sure if he's my friend lmfao, people still hate me, I came on and what do I see? someone saying that I should go fūck myself, thats a lovely thing to fuggin see, what, what in gods name did I do that made you THAT angry JUST to go tell me that, there was NO FÙCKING REASON

08.08.2021 05:59
Linkwhat did I offend you?? you can just tell me instead of insulting me y'know smh, yall are so fūcking toxic, and there is no reason for it, yeah, I can be an ass, but you can just tell me instead of insulting, maybe try and say "hey, what you're doing isn't nice, maybe don't do that" because you're being just as much of an asshole as me at that point

08.08.2021 06:01
Linkhate me all you want, will I care? hell no, will it hurt? a little bit, yeah, I'll admit. but you don't have to come on to my ****ing posts and be an asshole to me just because I was mean

10.08.2021 13:34
Linkohh my goddddd, bae, fûcking stop calling me, stop leaving me creepy voice messages, stop, I dont know WHO told you that my name is bread, but don't EVER call me that, ESPECIALLY in a creepy ass voice message, like what the hell dude??? why are you leaving me those? me and Beth already made up, besides, it isn't your relationship to fück around with anyways, so FŪCKING STOP

14.10.2022 06:12
Linkalso, to add onto this from a way later standpoint, me and Beth hadn't made up, it was a cover up, to which we then broke it off like not too long after this, I'm in a healthy relationship w my boyfriend now, I've learned from my past mistakes and I know not to sext or do anything of the sort without his permission, and I know that if one of us do something absolutely ****ing stupid we need to talk it out instead of avoiding it and yelling at each other when it bothers us, what bae did was not ok but I shouldn't have entertained the situation either, I should have blocked them on everything and I am honestly kinda dumb for not doing so in the first place

20.08.2023 02:23
Linkso update I broke up with that boyfriend, he was a pedo and wanted to date a 10 yr old