- create flipbook animations online!
rant below i guess
06.02.2019 17:52
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I feel like no one can ever criticize people on here. Like, even if an animation could use some work or has some obvious points that need to improve, no one points it out. And it's almost like everyone's scared to because if they did they'll just get shot down. I think a lot of people on this site don't improve because they don't change. When I see critics, they're usually pretty good, like 'the eyes aren't very proportional and don't work well with the rest, you should try to make them smaller' but it's always brushed away as just their 'art style'. But art styles are just cripples. They hold people back from improving because everyone's so hung up on drawing the same way every time. I think that your style should just be what you enjoy drawing or what you're best at, but if you actually want to improve you have to step outside of your comfort zone. Don't always draw anime, try to draw realistically. Don't always draw humans, draw animals too. Don't just draw one type of cartoon. Change and-
06.02.2019 17:54
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keep changing. And it sucks because I've never gotten any criticism while on this site and I actually want it. I wish people would tell me when stuff is bad because I'm sure that I don't always realize it. The only way I've improved is by recognizing it myself and figuring it out, but it would be so much easier if people stopped just complimenting everyone.
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