03.10.2019 15:56
LinkI made the file
here's proof
they're not similar, they're exactly the same.
03.10.2019 15:56
03.10.2019 19:26
Linklmao they deleted the picture that they stole from you
they dont look the same tho the white part of the save button are diffrent look closer one is white and one is gray
Thank you. I always credit on files and bases, i know im not that good at art and I don't try and make myself seem better. TCB500 is a better artist than me, but i wouldn't steal their file. Honestly, if I started passing off other ppl art as my own, it would be better than mine. That would raise their expectation and I would have to find more stuff by them. Then copy it again, and I don't think I could do that.