Meet Katelynn


17.03.2019 21:29
LinkName- Katelynn Wood (nickname Kat)
Height- 4’11
Likes- Making flower crowns- sews/ knitting- Ducks- reading- coy ponds- water though she can’t swim-bees
Dislikes- the Dark-small places- heights (she can’t fly)
Extra- for one, she was designed specifically to be cute, she’s extremely insecure and shy, especially about her laugh. She’s a fallen angel, and doesn't remember much of her past, more will be found out in rp

17.03.2019 21:29
Link(also hold up dudes....i fuggin love her man like eeEertEAHRJV))


Kat:*her wings flapped a little, then folding them in she turned around, looking at him for a moment* I'll be outside on the porch *she picked up her cup of tea and sat on the edge of the front porch outside, several birds quite litterally engulfing her, landing on her arms, legs, shoulders and head* UvU *casually sips her tea like this is normal*
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(bro my heartttt)
Kat:*she spots a few ferns and flowers that she can recognize in the windows and outside the shop and her ears perk up a bit at the sight of them, she enters, her eyes scanning around, not a word is spoken from her, just mumbles and thought, she then lets out a little gasp and walks over to the section of ferns, mumbling their names* Korean rock fern...Mother fern...oooo Boston fern...sickle...button...lemon button haven't seen that one in a while... *she touches the leaves of the lemon button fern* seems in good health, a little dry but i can fix that *she smiles a little*
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Kat:*she places some ferns around the house, leaving Mini Muffin for him to place in his room she picked up Karen and placed her by the window where she could get constant sunlight, she then pops her head out* oh! don't forget to water mini muffin, about a cup should be good she's small as of now and last i checked she seemed a little dehydrated
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Kat:*she watched him walk out and the second he leaves her face returns to red, she thinks:nooooooo dont think about that its weird, he most deffinatly just wants to be friends, yeah, nothing more* she shook her head and shuffled into the kitchen, grabbing an orange she sat in her chair by the window and watched the birds*

Kat: *she stretched a bit, thinking about her experience with her brother and how she was going to cope with however she thinks she feels about Mayall, shaking her head she walked to the kitchen, making some tea she sat on the kitchen floor, waiting for the pot to whistle, her knees tucked up to her chest she continues in thought*
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