They be lesbians now


25.06.2020 03:52
LinkThat’s so cute! ^^

28.07.2020 14:56
Linkbru that gross but you have a good art

26.09.2020 19:13
Linkstfu its nice you unsupportive homo

25.12.2020 13:24
Link@woWyoWZa , ya being les is not gross you disgusting homo

08.01.2021 14:10
Linkyep...i agree with @Thecuteypie

20.03.2021 17:15

21.06.2021 06:49
Linkyeah woWyoWZa thats not nice at all have respect >:(

Whats with this gay and lesbian anime shipping with non-gay or non-lesbian characters? Its kinda gross

Also this is just a personal headcannon
It's not like I'm saying they absolutely have to end up together. My opinion isn't changing canon in the least so why does it matter?
I like their friendship and they're dynamic is cute to me and I think their personalities would work romantically regardless of canon sexualities

There’s nothing wrong with shipping non-cannon ships, even if the ships suggest non-cannon sexuality.
It's the same as just non-cannon shipping tbh because no matter what sexuality ships are ships. Take for instance straight non-cannon ships. Some of them make no sense but that doesn't matter. It's basically the same as gay shipping.
Comment removed

No I just think it's annoying when gay characters are made with gay being their only character trait and in most works of fiction that is the case
I like gay couples but shows and movies that focus on the romantic aspects of it always focus too much on the coming out part and gays are never depicted as ordinary people who dont flaunt their sexuality for inclusion points in the media.

Gay couples in movies and tv shows targeted towards the LGBT are all the same
There's a few exceptions but their sexualities are always the most interesting part of them.
They just feel like walking pride flags and not realistic couples.
They are a few movies that I think handle it well but even then they don't treat LGBT couples as ordinary people and heavily highlight on them being abnormal.
I do like LGBT related shows and movies it just annoys me that we barely get any realistic fat couples outside of them.

Also @glaciers please read my seventh comment on this chain. This is nothing more than a personal headcannon
I don't believe this to be canon but I personally think that the canon would be more interesting if their sexualities were different than the whole heteronormativity thing.
I like their personalities together
I don't care about their genders or canon sexualities since their canon sexualities (even though Todoroki doesn't even have one yet) lead to some forced and boring ships IMO.
Todomomo and Izuocha annoy they heck out of me since Izuocha felt like it was thrown at our faces out of nowhere (first they were friends then boom suddenly she has a crush on him?) and I don't see any chemistry in Todomomo
Rich boy and rich girl both got in on recommendations and talked like twice.
Where the hell did the romance come from?! (They aren't even romantic. They had one fight together and suddenly their a couple? And Todoroki only ignored her for the most part like wtf)

Also when I say that I like the dynamics of gay couples more I mean the gay couples that aren't canon in the least and have more interesting character interactions than the heterosexual leads. My ships are usually with characters I feel are underutilized with their canon sexualities.
That's what shipping is. Believing that two characters would be appealing in a relationship together.

Absolutely Amazing!
Safe to say that you're supportive of 'sexual' topics :P
I'm not the only one
*sighs in relief*