Wade into the quiet river

DBZ power ups be like

-~+{ Color }+~-


seeing you

Poor and Rich

Rp for @kayleenalol


25.09.2022 00:19

25.09.2022 00:22
prefers he
shy but loving and barely interacts.
Toooo shy to speak up when bullied, so others have to speak up for em

25.09.2022 00:22
Devil compound
Very likely to betray anyone they meet

Graycie quickly backed away.
"I'll... be going now. Heh.." He ran swiftly towards his home, collar jingling, which still alerted his location, and when he reached it he banged on the door, until his owner opened it.
"Come on in!" Y/N spoke to Graycie. He trotted inside his home and snuggled into his bed, slightly shivering.

-Hirkismo grew bored of waiting and decided to look for something to eat. They silently made their way towards the human area, knowing they had pets there and jumped over a fence, spotting a cat laying under a small tree that grew in the backyard. The cat barely had time to react before they were quickly slaughtered-

Graycie's owner walked in on him sniffing the plant cautiously from his bed.
"GRAYCIE. WHAT DID YOU DO??!!" Y/N Yelled, before grabbing him, and throwing him out of the house with his den and his toys.
"I-... But-.." He meowed, tail drooping. He had grabbed his toy and trotted away from the house, but he realized a trail of blood leading into the forest. His jaw dropped, along with his toy. He felt too self-conscious to investigate, so he only took a few steps, and sniffed the trail, before backing up, hiding in the tall grass.