TacoChips Legacy
Shiba Inu: for glitternation
|| Ice, Blue, Hellfire ||
Blink 1
rant >:(
16.12.2022 03:08
Linkok so like
Autism. Ok
at first, any normal and SANE human would be like "Its a disorder"
Some peopl e look at Autism and say "I want that!!!!"
16.12.2022 03:09
Linkbeing autiszitc is not a funny nor quirky thing. it affects people differently but if u were to ask any autistic person how it is to be autistic, if theyre not faking it they will tell u str8 up that they hate it.
16.12.2022 03:10
Linku cannot change being nerodivergent an it sucks very. I never ASKED to be autistic, I ****ing cry at flashing lights and screaming
loud noises ****ing horify me
16.12.2022 03:13
Linkalso, stimming and ticcing isnt "cute" stop ****ing saying that. it gets in the way and it stops you from paying attention to the tast at hand.
i ****ing HATE people who call my stimming cute. is not cute, stop. it.
I’ve been learning psychology since I heard abt it and yeah autism is basically just something that says you learn or behave differently and you can’t control it
Theres no cure to autism though people try to find one
Instead people focus on saying that people who are autistic should count themselves as not someone who less human but someone who functions differently
Most of the time the experience is negative however most autistic people will say if they had to option to not be autistic They would say they would choose to be autistic, mainly because if they weren’t they wouldn’t be the people they are in the present-
Its really sad because theres nothing wrong with taking pride knowing you have autism and understanding why things may have been so hard for you and not other people or why you were treated a certain way. But now its has been watered down to something that you can surround your whole personality about, which is not what other people want. The whole uplifting autistic people narrative was to tell them theres more to them then just being autistic and that they should focus on being themselves and not worry about masking or hiding that part about them. Its a joke now which is even worse than previously and now isnt taken seriously