Weird flying animation

you know, running

Practice Emotions


epic ness

Probably My Profile Picture



20.12.2020 18:05
LinkIt can be literally anything

20.12.2020 18:07
LinkOne time I was running after my dog in my ghetto ass neighbor hood and this one guy stopped me and asked " what are you running from kid?" And I was so ****ing scared and just kept running

20.12.2020 18:08
LinkSo I wrote a ton of shit where that happends

A while back I had a series of three dreams. In these dreams I encountered death. Cloak saith and all. Now normally a dream about the grim reaper wouldn't bother me, but most of my dreams, even the bad ones have some sort of goofy element to them. These didn't. I was afraid. It felt very real. I felt it represented something. For the next week I thought about death, and how scary it was that I would some day die. However as the months passed I realized that death was just a very neat conclusion to life. Like the end to a good story. You hate to see it go but you're glad it ended. Death raps life up in a neat little bow. So to this day I try to incorporate a deeper realization about life into my characters arcs. Weather it be about confronting ones mortality or taking responsibility for their actions. They have to become aware of a truth they were previously un-aware of.