Fun day today :/


04.11.2021 04:08
LinkGot signed out of school early yesterday because I did something to my back in marching band and I was in a lot of pain, it hurt to move and even breathe at some points.
Today, my back doesn't feel any better. I don't go to school. A few hours later, OFF TO THE ER I GO! Get some x-rays done, tests, blah blah. In a lot of pain all throughout it. Turns out I strained my back. But it sure as hell doesn't feel like it. Feels like my back's getting split open lmao
Still in quite a bit of pain when drawing this and typing this (I'm sitting at my desk rn).

04.11.2021 04:09
LinkHoping I'll be fine by Friday/Saturday since I have a football game that we're performing at on Friday and a competition on Saturday.