

12.01.2021 01:00
Linku wont have any cuz i am best

12.01.2021 01:10
Linkhah nobody is commenting cuz im best

31.01.2021 03:24
LinkStop you five year-old.

Dear Madgirl333hater
You are really crazy. I hope you don't sleep easy at night, because what you
are doing is harassment, And you could easily get in trouble if you keep this up. Giving people death threats isn't showing that you hate them, it shows that your actually just a psycho person, but i don't think psycho is the right word for it because normally a psycho wouldnt wanna be crazy, but then theres you. I hope you realize hell is a place and you may or may not go there. So please, Do Way better with your life and apologize to madgirl333 now. And stop the hate, she didn't even do anything wrong you just wanna hate on someone. Leave madgirl333 Alone. (Guys report all her post it helps) ~Hating is wrong~
from: appel-chan
too: Madgirl333hater