weird dream


26.09.2023 13:39
LinkI had this dream that flipanim user offbrand made like a YouTube series that was kinda like a collab ig?? with other flipanim users idk it was rlly well animated tho

26.09.2023 13:39
Linkafter the first episode it got cancelled tho bc according to him 'it took too long'

26.09.2023 13:40
LinkI got referenced in the animation through a guinea pig ?? apparently that's representative of me idk

26.09.2023 13:48
Linkthe series was gonna be like a whodunnit with flipanim users they all get like trapped in a cabin and no one can remember why they were there and a bunch of people start fighting about it and it was like gen so well animated for some reason?? I can't rlly remember who was in the animation tho