bastard twins
24.02.2020 02:48
Linki love dem?? so much telll me abt dem pLZ
24.02.2020 03:19
Linkalrighty! they originally appeared in the bonk animation (as you probably already know but i changed them up a lot). Marimo really doesn't care about anything anymore, they just let everything happen since they're in a dissociative state when they're around their sister,they are very very accident prone- Marimo also has a girlfriend which i'll draw soon and they love her very much! Berry is one of those "uwu i'm soft" people but will not hesitate to hurt you or leave you like at all- she really doesn't care about anyone but herself and occasionally her sibling if she needs them for something and most of the time she uses Marimo as a stress toy (as seen in yesterdays anim)
24.02.2020 04:18
LinkOOOOOOOH I LOV THEM EVEN MORE NOW they hav a hella interesting dynamic