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i need to tell u somethin
09.01.2023 16:15
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When i was at my high school orientation i was at those party things after you get done and then my friend and her friend came up to me and told me why i was telling her bf to break up with her even tho i just told him “ dont just dont “ bc after he sent a message to me after 2 day later after our little fight bc he threw my pen at me i tried to tell dont talk to me, but as a firend asked me to ask her bf if she still liked her and i asked him and after that he resopned 2 days later after our fight and i was angry at him and i told dont just dont and which was the wrong thing to say and she had access to her bf’s account and she went through the messages and i got yelled at by her friends, and fr i would of fought them but i wasnt getting kicked out of a party, but they kept on saying that i was whore a ***** and they kept on screaming which made me lose my hearing fr a bout 5 mins then went to the bathroom and throw up fr 10 mins while my guy friends were waiting out of the girls bathroom.
09.01.2023 16:16
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After months later i was dating and he had a cousin who didn't like me and one day she just had the balls to come sit at our tabel and at the time i was over tired and when im over tired i start getting weird and we were talking about our ex’s and i accidentally said i had 12 bf’s when i mosly had 9 and then she called me a whore and then she starting ramming my ass how i am a hooker and how im a ***** and my bestist firend came to me and she came with me and i told her to just go with her and she started ramming my ass again about my firend is trying to talk to me shes trying to have fun with me and im just being a bich to ehr and after she left i just cried and i had my whole friends hugging me and they all know what i’v been through alot in my life, and i got mad and i started to talk crap and ibroke up with him bc of my dad and of her, then she came up to me and told me if i wanted say crap in front of her face then i should say it instead of being a pussy about it and then since i was ignoring her she to
09.01.2023 16:16
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wished i was dead, whore, *****, the reason why i need a guy is becuase i need someone to **** bc i cant please myself and i cry myself to sleep everynight everytime bc i think about it alot and idk what to do and its affecting me and my work and idk what to do anymore.
09.01.2023 16:18
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she even called my friend who had a sad disorder when she had to wear braces on her legs bc she cant walk and called her a *****
09.01.2023 16:21
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and after this i refuse to date again i dont know if it will be another lie
09.01.2023 16:21
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honestly it sounds like you should just work on yourself relying on someone else to fix only makes things worse (believe me ive done it before it really just causes a bunch of heartbreak) and personally id say if someone starts calling you things like a whore cut them out of your life completley
09.01.2023 16:22
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Working on myself made me so much better and creating boundaries and seeing what kind of love i deserved and if you dont wanna date anymore thats fine too because no one "needs" to
09.01.2023 16:25
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iv been cutting them out but these echos just come bouncing back to me
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