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Angel Organization
16.07.2020 23:00
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An updated remake of the basic rundown of the AO, most information is copy and pasted from the remake with slight modifications.
16.07.2020 23:00
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The AO is a lot like the men in black, or the SCP facility, if you know either of those. They operate primarily from a large underground base with offices, labs, lunch room, training areas, bunks, and prisoner holding cells. I'm going to split things up a bit into sections to make this easier to read. Founders- The Angel Organization was founded by Lucas Aster in association with Midnight, Justin, and Kyle. They are funded my the government. Main objective- To enforce laws set by both demon and human/other supernatural beings and contain dangerous people with unnatural powers associated with supernatural abilities and or demonic abilities. Workforce Species- Both demons, humans, and other supernatural beings are employed,only law breaking supernatural beings and demons are hunted. Agents; purpose- There are three ranks of agents. Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3. After a trainee has finished their 3 month training they are in the position of a class 3
16.07.2020 23:00
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investigator (agent). Agents are the main AO workforce, they do field work. Scientists- The AO has one scientist, as Monochrome was killed during "The Break In". Chart Guy is the head scientist, he does a multitude of things. Guards/Security- There are several guards. Head of security is Shade. They mostly patrol the holding blocks. Training- After being accepted into the AO there is a rigorous and difficult 3 month training process. Jacob and Butch are the trainers. During these 3 months you are taught things like basic first aid, how to shoot a gun decently, and overall workout routines that get agents into shape. After the 3 months are over you become a class 3 agent. Holding Block- There are different levels of security. Light security, mostly harmless law breakers. High security, more powerful and/or dangerous law breakers. And the mental ward/maximum security zone. Mental ward cells on one side, maximum security on the other, this hallway holds nightmares.
16.07.2020 23:01
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Maximum security dwellers are very powerful and dangerous. Mental ward prisoners are dangerous to themselves and others. Rules/Other- All agents have a partner, another agent. They are partners until one of them is killed, in which case a new partner is assigned. Agents never go in the field alone. There is no uniform at the AO, but many people wear a button up shirt and or trench coat. Prisoner Program- The prisoner program is a system in which inmates from regular prisons get the opportunity to be trained as an agent instead of paying their sentence. This works well since it's essentially labor for the government. They are paid, and although they must stay living in the organization quarters for some time, they are released to their homes after their original sentence is over. Both Cyrus and Dazz entered the AO through the prisoner program.
16.07.2020 23:01
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AO Personal Psychologist- Work at the AO can lead to significant trauma. They have a specially trained psychologist that can work outside of rules that a normal psychologist would have to follow. Avery takes this position. She works 24/7, as when she gets off work at the AO she does in home care sessions. It's speculated that she's paid the most out of all employees.
16.07.2020 23:01
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Chlorine/Break In- Chlorine was an extremely powerful demon that was looking to destroy the AO due to his belief it oppressed demons. He led a team several years ago in an attempt to kill as many AO agents and guards as possible along with the then leader of the AO, Lucas. Many lives were lost but Chlorine was ultimately captured. Lucas's Death- Following the attack from Chlorine Lucas sustained serious mental trauma from witnessing the deaths of his agents and own brother. He gradually became more and more strict and violent towards demons to the point of locking up those that hadn't committed crimes. Neo, the secret creation of Chlorine (essentially his child) had been raised during this time to stop the AO for good. Neo did manage to stop Lucas's cruelty however it resulted in his death along with senior class 1 agent Midnight. Neo then became the new leader of the USA AO location.
16.07.2020 23:01
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What Defines a Demon?- A demon, as defined in the AO handbook is "A creature which the species of originated in the underworld." That means not all supernatural beings are demons. Vampires and werewolves specifically are well known species that are not considered demons due to not originating in the underworld. A supernatural being is any creature, including humans, that have unnatural abilities that a regular person would not have. Ex. Dazz & his ability to create flames, although human he is considered a "supernatural being" therefor is handled by the AO. AO Locations & Management- There are AO facilities in the United States, Canada, Germany, Russia, Egypt, Australia, United Kingdom, & Brazil. Each of these locations has a similar underground base and a single leader. For the sake of our story little is known of any of the locations other than the US location. Questions? That's about it so feel free to ask questions. I'm going to make a couple posts about the species I talk about most often.
16.07.2020 23:05
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Bro this is cool
16.07.2020 23:20
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This is amazing ^^
16.07.2020 23:20
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I do actually have a question
16.07.2020 23:25
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16.07.2020 23:28
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I’ve been really interested in this AO series ever since I knew about it, I think it’s really well thought out. I’ve been thinking about how I want to make a series and stick with it. I want to make something similar to the AO, but instead of capturing dangerous supernatural beings, my organization would help them. Also think if I were to make this our organizations would be cannon in each other’s universes But I wanted to make sure it was okay with you first
16.07.2020 23:35
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Reminds me of something urdrid suggested once. I've tried making the AO public in the past but it didn't really work with me. Something that could happen is separate canons. Me and my brother play (basically rp) with our characters and in that universe all his characters are canon and the interactions they have with mine. Although generally they aren't mentioned at all in the actual canon (because his ocs function on a much different power scale than mine)
16.07.2020 23:41
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Yeah, that’s understandable That was also a typo on my part, I meant to type could instead of would
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