I feel stupid
12.05.2021 21:11
LinkIm crying over something so small yet it hurts so ****ing much
12.05.2021 21:12
LinkI get it you want me to keep my longhair but dont dont because it killing me
12.05.2021 21:13
LinkGod you know I dont wannabe a girl you've known since I came out as nonbinary. And now that im trans I hate it even more
12.05.2021 21:13
LinkI want shorter hair I want a deeper voice I want to look like a guy and I dont
12.05.2021 21:14
LinkI dont wanna hate myself anymore I dont wanna feel disgusted when I look at myself and see a girl but I do
12.05.2021 21:14
LinkYou told me YOU said that when I bring up my ****ing grades that I would get a hair cut as a "reward"
12.05.2021 21:15
Linknow I have and you tell me I have to wait til my birthday?
12.05.2021 21:15
Linkthats four months dude I dont wanna wait
12.05.2021 21:15
LinkIve wanted this for years and you tell me over and over again to wait
12.05.2021 21:16
Linkit just hair it'll grow back so why can't you do this one thing for me
12.05.2021 21:16
LinkI dont even leave this ****ing house no one would even know
12.05.2021 21:17
LinkI hate my long hair I hate being told to wait longer than I already have and I hate being a girl
12.05.2021 21:17
LinkI dont wanna be your daughter anymore I wanna be your son
I'm so sorry you feel this way.
I know it's hard to wait for something you really want or feel you need.
It's okay prince, just hold it in. If anything if you ever see any family ask them. Don't tell them it's about your gender just say you want to try short hair. And it shouldn't be their decision if you have long hair or not, it's your body not theirs it shouldn't be their choice