Mta + thanks for 400!


08.07.2024 06:55
LinkYou guys tell me about yourselves too I’d love to get to know everyone more 😋😋😋

08.07.2024 07:00
LinkShe/her btw forgot to add 💔

Oh yeah for sure I agree it’s safer to not but it feels weird to have people call me something I don’t go by I guess… it’s so awesome you’re genderfluid! Is he/him a good default or does that change? (So sorry to ask I don’t know a lot abt this stuff and I don’t want to assume💔) and I use she/her thank u for asking!!!

It's my preference to use other names !! It's cool if u use ur actual name !
Usually, genderfluid ppl use all pronouns but I prefer he/him,, its all good if u use other pronouns for me as well but I like it when other ppl use he/him when they refer to me ! Its ok if u use she, it or any other pronouns,,

Omg thank u for asking!! I love sports and watching fashion trend prediction YouTube videos, sometimes I cook, mostly baking though, I love a good thrifting sesh, (closet is way too full bec of it 💔) love anything in nature that’s like going to lakes and hitting the river and hiking and shit since I live in Oregon I’m rlly lucky to be surrounded by nature! How about u?

Sports !! I'm not rlly athletic but if my school team needs an extra player I'm willing to join,, I'll check fashion trend prediction sometime when I have faster internet lmao,
Omg what do u cook !!??
I wish I could go thrifting,, my parents don't let me out the house w my friends,, they thinks it's too dangerous yk !
It's so cool u live in Oregon,, I'm from Maldives ! I live in the city
Other than art, I enjoy writing n reading,,, I LOVE writing !! I have tons of books w stories written in it ! N reading helps w writing yk ! Like I said I'm not athletic, so I spend alot of my time reading, writing or drawing ,,, !

I love to cook mostly desserts with the occasional little something for lunch, I have the worst sweet tooth ever I fear 💔
Oh no I’m sorry abt ur parents that must be frustrating… I usually thrift alone I love my friends but they’re so supportive that I end up buying stuff I never wear 😭
That is actually so so so so so cool that you’re from Maldives it looks so gorgeous!!! Do you live close to the beach? My middle name is ocean and I don’t live on the coast it’s so sad 💔 and it’s literally such a dream to live in a city as soon as I can I’m moving to California I love nature but I need to experience living in a city at least once in my life
It’s super cool you’re into literature! I don’t really do it much on my own but language arts is prob my fav class, not super into writing stories but weirdly I like to write essays and analyze symbolism and stuff, what sort of writing do u like to do?

OMG SAME !! I love sweets !!!! So dw, we both prolly have the worst sweet tooth
Yeah, theyre super strict ,,, I dont even have a phone yet, I'm suing my school tablet,, ur friends sound super cool !!!
I do live near the beach actually ! I love swimming or just staying in the water ! It calms me in ways I can't even imagine,, I've always wanted to see how it is in other countries ! Ive never travelled outside of my country ,,
I usually just write stories that pop into my head ! Mostly about my ocs , their lore n all,, my teacher saw potential in me so she's been helping alot w my writing as well !

It’s ok I use my schoo l tablet for flip 😭
Your beaches seriously look so beautiful that must be so nice to just be able to experience that so often, honestly the beaches in the states suck but I’ve been to a few throughout countries in Asia cause my dad used to travel for work and I have family and stuff and those were always cool
That’s so awesome abt ur teacher!!! I’ve never felt my teachers have rlly cared about my writing even when I’ve expressed explicit interest in improving but I’m going into an special language arts class or smt so hopefully that will work out for me 🤞

The beach in the city isn't all that tho,, island beaches r rlly pretty tho ! Sadly the beach in the city is artificial 😔
She's the only teacher that actually saw potential so every Sunday n Monday I have extra ! She thinks I can be in top 10 in eng at school,, my mom doesn't rlly care if I score high on English tho,, she wants me to improve my religious studies n all that, I'm not all that religious either so i don't rlly see a point in studying it that much
My parents would kill me if they found out I said that 💀

Oh that’s kind of a bummer about the beaches, I hope u get to visit the real ones sometimes!
My parents don’t really care about my grades but like to really try hard anyways it feels satisfying and it’s something tangible to spend my time doing… I think I’m going into a world religions class next year I’m pretty excited! I’ve also attended a few church services lately cause I’m kinda interested in that sort of stuff but what sort of religions do you study?

I do actually ! My mom is from an island while my dad's from the city,, on long vacations we visit my mom's island ,, I love going to the island cuz theres a guy i REALLY like n my bsf !! She's my cousin n I grew up w her, she's the same age as me !
U study sm it's actually impressive ! After 6th grade, I got burnt out from studying n my grades went from straight a's to as long as I pass

Aww that’s awesome!! My best friend lives on the river that goes through my city so I always like to visit him haha not really the same as a separate island but yk
I really hope I don’t get burnt out tbh that’s kinda a big fear I want to be able to afford a nice California university (ucla 🙏🤞) w scholarships and stuff bec I love cali and working is fun and stuff so idk I try to pace myself but finding that balance is def tough

I would love to live near a river ! That sounds so nice actually !
Yeahh I hate being burnt oout, alot happened in 6 the grade so uh yh, I lost most of my motivation,, I'm still punctual at school n I do all my works but i usually drag my feet for it ,, it's a difficult feeling
i hope u get that scholarship !!!

It’s bringing a lot of tourists tbh and the cost for everything is going up so it has its downsides too but it is pretty cool to float in the summer!
Sorry stuff happened to u in sixth that’s really young to be dealing with rough stuff.. I moved out of my dad’s house in eighth to live with my mom after some stuff happened so I might kind of understand that a little?
Thank u for ur good wishes I rlly appreciate it!!!
Good luck w homework hope your food is very yummy!!!! And it was so fun talking to you and getting to know you💓💓💓💞💞!!!!

I do speak since my mom won’t speak to me in English 💔 and just to stay fluent enough to hold a convo when I visit family in japan but I can’t write at all and I can barely speak unfortunately 💔💔 it’s super cool that you can speak though!! Is that just through your family or do you take a course for Japanese?

I haven’t visited since Covid tbh but I’m going this august so I’m pretty excited!! Do you live in the states? Or was Japanese school in japan? I went to Japanese preschool in the states but that’s all the Japanese schooling I’ve gotten unfortunately. Literally so excited for the convenience store food aahhh
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I used procreate for a while but that costs money but tbh ibis paint is better… do you have the free version? That’s what I use and everything is free with the occasional ad except for a few brushes which u can watch an ad to get 18 hours of use!! This is so bad but flip is my fav thing to draw on is flip because of how limited u are I guess it’s just less choices and one method of doing things and it’s my comfort zone so I don’t rlly draw outside of it haha

I'm not an ipad drawer but I use a media pad hauwei tablet with my finger too 💔 there's not so much accessibility when you're left handed sighhhh