My attempt at a bad creepypast


05.04.2022 18:00
LinkOne day I was walking down my local street it was a quiet mostly cloudy afternoon when I saw something in the corner of my eye a garage sale sign I decided to follow it and sure enough found a garage sale I looked around but saw nothing interesting then it caught my eyes a copy of kirbys return to dreamland on the wii I picked it up and I asked "how much for this?" The person running the garage sale just told me "take it I don't need it" so i left and went back home.
When I got home I put the disk in my wii and then my wii started making noises so I Punched it and it fixed it as I booted up kirby something was off about the title screen I saw a single waddle dee sitting on the background I shrugged it off and started the game I saw only one file and booted it up the file had about 64% complete I decided to enter my favorite boss the genie you fight in the Sand world boss as I went into the stage something was off there were no abilities and the crystals in the room were red in a realistic way.

05.04.2022 18:07
LinkThat sent a shiver down my spine but I just moved on and entered the fight but the boss was weird had more health than normal its eyes were reflecting kirby and it was sending way more stuff but I defeated it nevertheless then I heard it a cry of pain it sounded too realistic to me I nearly cried as I heard the pain in the voice of the person I heard so I shut the game down and decided to sleep to get my mind Clear
I went to bed and has a nightmare I was a waddle dee and I saw kirby look at me then inhale me I saw into a endless void of infinity I saw countless others in the void of kirby then I woke up I checked the time it was about 3:23 I decided to get up and go play some kirby I entered the game and I saw it the waddle dee I saw before was standing up now I paid no attention to it and just started I decided to start a new game instead of playing the other person's file as I saw the cutscene where kirby is chased by dedede something was off though there was no meta knight just a book I decided to just

05.04.2022 18:12
LinkSkip the rest of the cutscene and just get on with the game I entered the first world then the first level and immediately I saw it a waddle dee in the background just standing then it started hopping in the background so I decided to follow it I saw the signs for the tutorials but they were weird and all they were showing was a dark matter eye then i got to the place where you get the big sword and there was nothing so I decided to just go on then I got the the end of the level and the game crashed the sound was horrible I shut my TV off then I saw it in the black of my TV sitting on my couch was a waddle dee I turned around and saw nothing I took the disk out of the wii and broke it I threw it away I kept on seeing the waddle dee for years after that.