Bully Busters
23.01.2021 02:51
23.01.2021 02:52
LinkWe’re the bully busters
We eat straight rocks
If we catch you bullying
We’ll knock off your socks
Yo what’s good
My name is Chester
You say bad words and
You’ll be gone for the semester
Hey, hello
My name is Wayne
Mess with my friends
And you’ll feel the pain
What’s up my homies
My name is Jamie
Why be a goon
You can get more brainy
Wowza, that was a pretty nifty trick, but wanna know what isn’t nifty?
Ayo Chester, what’s the 4-1-1 on cyber bullying?
I’ll tell you, Jamie
This is Buddy, but you can call him Bud
Hes fallen under the influencе of cyber bullying
Let’s take a gandеr
Eat my shorts, loser
One way you can deal with these r-r-r-r-rancid monster humans is by telling them to talk to..
The hand
Looks like the only thing he’ll be eating
Is his dinner
All right, looks like that’s a wrap
And remember kids, stay swaggy