F.A bringin dem FEATURES SON!
Ahem, Hello there! Welcome :)
Soft Sounds of the Forest
FlipAnim 2018
Award of my life
a fucking Zombie oc omg
23.05.2022 13:53
23.05.2022 14:03
LinkOmfg Zombies are my nightmare, i can't draw em for shit. i feel like it shouldn't have taken me as long as it did. kill me.
age: around early 20s
gender: a little hard to tell
pronouns: They/them/it
se- ITS A ZOMBIE please!! do NOT try to FCUK my ZOMBIE
they are around 5'2
Tick is named tick because..they tick and i don't mean tourettes(i wouldn't know how to properly portray that anyway. only ticks i get is from anxiety) I mean they walk around saying "tick" because its the last thing they heard.
Tick doesn't have very good eyesight (unless they are close to you) so be very quiet if you have noticed them there's a very good chance they haven't noticed you...unless you were loud.
Tick doesn't walk..they run so when you think "haha the dead thing walks slow i don't have to worry." no dipshit run cuz they will too.
Tick can recognize faces even ones from when they breathed air.
some times they will call out for "duke" thats not a person thats their childhood dog thats b
23.05.2022 14:08
Linkbeen dead*
whoa- how they died-
Tick's last memory of being alive was sitting in the kitchen with their sister and mother before the breaking of glass, the scream their sister let out and being cornered by the undead as their mother left them, taking their sister.
their last word was "mama?" before their mind focused on the clock and its very loud ticking.