Backstory and Description
10.06.2021 22:23
LinkSpecies: Human
Gender: Male/Female (Mm, yes, it's up to you what gender they are when I use The Host in roleplays)
Height: 5'1
The Host has a cover over their face, with a small sock puppet sewn onto their left hand. They wear a dark grey shirt and similar-colored pants. It was also made aware to The Host had their lips stitched shut, making it impossible to speak
10.06.2021 22:24
LinkPrior to becoming a host, The Host was a college journalist whose endevours lead them to sneak into an abandoned warehouse in order to get into contact with Mortimer Handee, who they meet inside the warehouse, casting a voodoo spell on them once they chose a puppet. The Host became a captive of Mortimer's ritual, as well as the assistant of his puppet's escape from the warehouse/facility. It was made apparent to upon the ritual being complete that The Host should have been a mindless husk his puppet could control, but The Host managed to break free of said control, and now has this living, cursed puppet onto his left arm in replacement of his hand
(puppet is a girl, and we shall be calling her Scout cus I can't think of anything else)
11.06.2021 01:05
LinkB i n a r y s p e c t r u m