so i'm writing a story
19.09.2019 03:04
Linkwhats it about?
It's inspired by the Warrior Cats series, and this is all for pure fun.
It's called Prides of Sahara. Each Pride has a different wildcat species; Lions, Cheetahs, Jaguars, and Leopards. And, each Pride has a Leader, Hunter, Healer, and Gatherer. Leader and Hunter explain for themselves. Healers are, too. Gatherers are more or less apprentices of a Hunter or Healer. They gather supplies for the Pride and return as faith for their Pride.
Each Pride follows these rules: You can't make friends out of your Pride, unless you are a Leader. You can't go into the Healer cave unless you are a Gatherer, or injured. You may talk to others, but never form a bond.
Here's a disclaimer.
I'm writing this story for fun. It is not going to be a published book.
I wanted to make something that I've been thinking about for the past day.
There's going to be a tribute to the Warriors series at the end of the "book".
There's going to be no body whom reads it besides me.