08.02.2020 01:50
LinkHey, guys how are you(sorry I haven't been posting in a while)but I was just checking comments making sure you guys are ok,and just when I think nothing can go wrong.
08.02.2020 01:53
LinkApparently lolz22 is teaming up with people know so he can "get rid" of me thanks for the warning from guessthatanimator2 and Rayvin184,if you incounter these people,just ignore them as best as you can
08.02.2020 01:53
LinkJust a small warning to you people
08.02.2020 01:58
LinkI'll try posting today are tommorow but hope you guys are having a great day ☺️
08.02.2020 02:16
Hi! And don’t worry I’m doing ok! It’s rlly nice that even if they started being mean to u, ur still checking on the ppl who were involved!
Creeper I'm sorry but I don't think I can do that but I'll try to ignore them the best as I can. I also think it's a good idea to ignore this person because talking to them is not working they only want attention, so maybe with we ignore them they will stop?
Let's just wait until they get banned. If ignoring doesn't work then we will have to do something else. But it's flipanim's choice to let him or her get banned. Let's jus play safe and hope for the best. :)
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