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A Twisted Tale | 1
06.05.2020 18:20
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Laughter burned in my ears as I shakelly pulled myself up, my left eye was swollen shut so much that I could barely see the kid in front of me, the world was spinning, making me dangerously dizzy. “C’mon Charlie! Get ‘em!” Shouted a voice from the crowd. Charlie.. His name is Charlie. I thought bleakly as I crouched on the ground, waiting for the next blow. When it came, I was ready for it, as his foot made contact with my gut I felt my body move instinctively, My hand wrapped around his ankle as I twisted away from him, I heard him hit the ground… but I didn’t stop there… oh no. I released his leg and squinted down at him, as he moved to stand I placed one boot on his back and pressed him back down, his soft gasp made me feel… almost giddy, so I pressed harder.
06.05.2020 18:20
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Charlie muffled a protest as I felt a slight smile spread across my face, I enjoyed this… too much, so I pressed down on his spine as hard as I could with my foot, I relished the soft crunch that followed. “Holy… ” I didn’t hear the rest of the kids sentence due to Charlie’s screech of pain, but I assume he’d sworn. “Get off him!” A female voice from the crowd screamed. So, I did. I stepped off him, helped him to his feet gave him a pat on the back, then snapped him into a choke hold, immediate silence followed that move, I loved how the fear of the students seemed to hang heavily in the air. My next move happened without my consent, I forced the boy onto his knees, the boy who’d been tormenting me for five years straight, the kid who’s name was Charlie, this blond jerk who thought he was better than everyone, was now kneeling in front of me, facing the wall of the building.
06.05.2020 18:21
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“Jeremy… don’t hurt him… p-please don’t hurt him..” Whispered a voice I recognized as Rachel’s, Charlie’s little sister. I took a deep breath and moved to release him but I felt frozen, then my anger started to bubble up inside me again, he didn’t deserve my pity… he didn’t even deserve his sisters pity, and he didn’t. Deserve. Mercy. So, I did the only thing that I could’ve done in this situation, I don’t regret anything that happened even after what happened afterward so I’ll just tell you plain and simple what i did. I snapped his neck. Clean, simple…. And the crack just made me feel even more gleeful, now this was fun. Silence followed as I let him drop to the tar, i looked down at the body of my tormentor, and felt nothing… nothing but satisfaction, then chaos broke loose, panicked screams alerted the teacher on duty that something had happened. The adults fast footfalls ended abruptly as he stopped dead a few feet away from where I stood, oh I knew i was in trouble, i knew i’d just commited a crime…
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06.05.2020 18:21
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But it was… so… worth… it.
06.05.2020 18:22
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~Twelve years later~
06.05.2020 18:22
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I was running, from who or what I couldn’t remember, I’ve been like this since I was eleven, I’d do something horrible… but satisfying, and then i’d have to run… but if i started to panic… I’d start forgetting things.. I think I have a problem. I felt the brambles tugging at my pant legs as I continued at full sprint through the trees, after years of running from others, I had pretty good endurance, but that's besides the point. Skidding around a corner I half slid half rolled into a small crevasse under a fallen tree, I’d used this path so many times I knew it by heart, all the places with clean water, the places with edible plants, and the places i’d set my traps, but they weren’t for animals.
06.05.2020 18:22
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I jumped to my feet and paused for a second waiting for a sound, faint barking echoed through the trees, They brought dogs?! Great… I hate those things… never shut up… I thought darkly as I started running again. Propelling myself over another fallen tree I continued running, veering off the marked trail and into a darker part of the forest, the sound of twigs and leaves crunching beneath my feet filled the air. Then, I accidently stepped in a trap… I hadn’t been paying attention and I screeched as my right leg was yanked swiftly and suddenly out from under me, the rope tight around my ankle I hissed curses under my breath. I looked up to where my leg was being held and pressed my other foot to the bark of the tree, pushing off it I propelled myself forward then I swung back, I did this a few times before I finally wrapped my free leg around the tree trunk.
06.05.2020 18:23
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Heaving myself into the tree I pulled a knife out of my pocket and started cutting the rope, glancing up every now and then to see if anyone, or anything had appeared in view yet. I massaged my ankle as I surveyed my surroundings, as the barking got louder I decided I should probably climb higher, to where there where more leaves, so I did just that. Sitting near the top of the tree I watched the two men and the dog jog into view, I held my breath as they approached the tree, one of the men shook his head slowly and muttered something to his partner i couldn’t understand.
06.05.2020 18:24
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I tilted my head as the other man waved his arms as if gesturing to some giant invisible monster on the other side of the forest, I glanced over to where he’d pointed just to be sure there wasn’t a giant invisible monster I couldn’t tell, man it must be good at hiding… wait, oh yeah… they’re invisible. Oh yeah, there are in fact monsters in this forest, just… not many people can see them.. So.. yeah. I winced as the dogs head snapped up to look at me, its lip curled in a snarl as it lowered itself to the ground and attempted to leap up at me, luckily, this one can’t climb.. But man do i wish i where some invisible monster right now. The dark haired man looked up and shouted in surprise, naturally i waved down at him before i threw the knife into his skull, what? I didn’t want to be rude, the other man glanced at his fallen comrade then back up to me.
06.05.2020 18:24
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“Get down from the tree and you won’t be hurt.” He threatened carefully. “Ehhh, I can’t.” I replied shrugging. “Why can’t you? Do I have to use force?” He asked raising an eyebrow. “I can’t because i’m being held captive in this tree by Morvus the Man Eating Arachnid, and I don’t want to upset him.” I answered waving my hands in exaggeration. “Really? Then where is this ‘Morvus’?” He wasn’t buying it, not one bit. “Oh, he’s right behind you.” I replied calmly gesturing to the spider on the ground behind him. Now this spider wasn’t one of the friendly, fuzzy, house spiders, or even a not-so-friendly-but-still-fuzzy venomous spider, it was about the size of a medium sized kitchen table, its large fangs dripped with saliva, and well… Tomato Sauce, he’s a vegetarian, but this man didn’t know that, and tomato sauce looks a lot like blood in the half light.
06.05.2020 18:25
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The man screamed and backed away from the beast, I chuckled softly, it was no Morvus the Man Eating Arachnid, but it was a giant spider, so i guess it works. “See? I told you. Now, I’d say you should run… but he’s pretty fast, especially when he’s hangry.” I replied half truthfully, this spider wasn’t very fast, but it’s terrifying when he’s hangry… trust me. “What are you doing here fat man?” The spider asked in a deep gravelly voice, the voice had a slight irish accent. I snorted, the guy wasn’t even that fat, a bit chubby, but still, his eyes bulged as he stared at the spider that seemed to be insulting him, well, it was insulting him. “I do not accept the men with the fatness in my kingdom, leave now, or forever drown in soup.” The spider hissed, now with a british accent.
06.05.2020 18:25
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“I-I’m s-sorry Mr.Arachnid M-Morvus s-sir.. I-I’ll.. I’ll g-go now..” The man stuttered. “Morvus?!” The spider screeched sounding insulted, he glared up at me. “I am no Morvus ‘Man Eater’ Arachnid. I am….” it paused for a second. “Jeffery the… Giant… Man…… stabber….” I gagged slightly, the laughter bubbling up inside me was too much, I burst into laughter, and in that instant… I fell backwards out of the tree with a screech of surprise and landed with a thud on my back and was silent. “Je- I mean… uh… Bob.. you alright? You dead buddy?” Jeffery sounded mildly concerned… and mildly french. “Bob?” The man exclaimed in surprise. “I thought that man was the weird killer man ‘Cat-Eyed Jeremy’ i think... my mistake.” “Yes uh… Bob is.. A…. long.. Lost… relative… of… Jeremy…..s father…..” Jeffrey remarked awkwardly.
06.05.2020 18:25
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“Oh.. well, sorry about that.. I’ll be on my way now..” The man remarked embarrassed. As I heard his footsteps fade into the distance, Jeffrey scuttled over, his spider body transforming to a more ‘human’ form, he had the body of a human, eight eyes like a spider, spider legs protruding from his back and he had fangs. “Uhh… Jeremy? Are you okay…?” He asked in his naturally high-pitched mildly australian accented voice. I raised a hand putting down all my fingers but one, and he rolled his eyes, all of them, then he muttered something under his breath I could barely hear, man, spiders can be quiet, so all i heard was: “Yeah, yeah, shrew food too.” I have a hunch he said something else..
06.05.2020 18:26
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“Shrew food to you as well, now help me up ya big idiot.” I snapped. Jeffery grabbed the back of my jacket and pulled me up, as I steadied myself I slapped him, not too hard, but hard enough to daze the mutated spider-man thing. “Oi! What was that for A-” I slapped him again before he could finish. “Geesh… Jeremy, your a f-” I won’t even tell you what word he added. “Try hard.” “Ay, watch ya tongue buddy, unless you want me to slap you again.” He replied with something I’m not allowing myself to repeat, so I won’t, lets just say, I didn’t do as he asked, I backhanded him instead, yeah… wasn’t the best idea, he uh… let’s just say, he hit me back, well… kicked. “You f-” I gasped sliding to the ground, I let myself throw some choice swear words at him, before standing shakily, putting my hands on my knees glaring at him. “You deserved it.” He remarked dryly.
06.05.2020 18:26
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“Yeah and you deserve a kick in the-” I cut myself off as I accidently… well… cut myself… with… the knife.. In my.. Pocket. “How’d that feel Mr.Cat-Eyes?” Jeffery taunted crossing his arms, smirking. I stuck my finger in my mouth, the taste of my own blood was metallic and salty, but also kinda sweet, I shot jeffery a glare and pulled my finger out of my mouth to reply, but he cut me off as with a wave of his hand he turned back into a spider and scuttled away.
06.05.2020 18:21
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~Comment here~
06.05.2020 18:49
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Y97e9ye6 how-
06.05.2020 18:50
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how- what?
06.05.2020 18:57
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Your english is 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌
06.05.2020 19:01
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06.05.2020 19:09
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06.05.2020 19:09
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06.05.2020 18:57
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that was amazing
06.05.2020 19:01
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aack- ty-
06.05.2020 19:02
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06.05.2020 20:59
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omge kewl dood
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