mine left me on the first day
27.08.2019 19:15
Linkno reason why or anything, just left`
27.08.2019 19:15
Linkleast I got better friends 2 years later B)
I have a whole group of friends! 4 in total not including me.
I won't use their real names but there's Frank (yep) who's my boyfriend, Jayden, who seems to be the joker of the group, Joshua (that's what i'm calling him because he looks like the character) who is actually my crush (he left for college sadly) and Rupert, who has admitted that he likes me (LMAO) He's also kinda a joker, and he loves Pokemon
i lost 4 of them
Then when i started my BFF left ye came back with a sEcReT identity
I lost touch with you...
But look at how we turned out! We're fine :>
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