He took the rose!
Glitchtale Memes
Tweening Test w/ Homestar
Ugly Sweater Party
10.07.2018 00:59
LinkAnime-lover clearly annoyed people so she'd get backlash and look like the underdog, using mentall illnesses she does have or understand for pity.
You know how, if you're sad near someone with pretty severe developmental issues, like severe autism or Down's syndrome, they try and cheer you up like you lost something small?
Well the way I see it is that they don't comprehend emotions the way people without those issues do. So they cheer people up the way people cheer them up. It kinda makes me sad, because I can almost understand what that's like.
That weird ass kissing thing where everyone decides a mediocre artist is really good because of how many follows they have.
Tps, rp, angrykid, iaab.