Usagi Tanaka (fankid)


08.01.2021 20:40
Linkdont ship kokichi and gundham btw i just thought it was a cool idea lol

08.01.2021 20:40
Linkshe's great i love her

08.01.2021 20:45
Linkhol on

08.01.2021 20:46
Link(Name: Usagi Tanaka
Ultimate: Illusionist
Parents: Kokichi and Gundham (I dont ship it i just put the two together for the character lol)
Gender/Pronouns: she/them
Birthday (Day/Month): January 14th
Age: 16
Height: 5'2
Chest size: 51
Weight: 79
Blood type: B
Personality: shy at first but when she gets to know you she's coolio! also fairly positive. But switches in between a lot. Like 'osht we're screwed uhh' or 'GUYS HOPE' or whatever
Likes: Sugar cookies, bunnies, m a g i c
Dislikes: being made fun of, tomatos (people throw them at her so), cons
Other: loves bunnies and magic. always. if you cant tell lol