Our☆Shining Hearts CH.1


23.08.2023 10:11
LinkOur☆Shining Hearts ChapTer 1:A mysterious energy:
Stella:This has to be a joke. I can't be left out!!
Coach: No, the condition what you have won't let you be in this comepetition. You could even harm someone!
Stella: It's not a condition, a sight! And I can't be that dangerous!!
Coach: A no is a no. You can watch the game and that's it.
Coach leaves, and Stella thinks "Why!? And I even trained so much for it!" Stella looked around, and sighed. "I literally can't do anything because of that Dream..* Stella said under her breath, so anyone else couldn't hear it. Then, she headed to the girls dormitory. She walked away from the field, passed the school entrace, and the gym and stopped when she saw the entrace to the girls dormitory. "I wonder if anyone's here.." Stella thought and entered the building. She climbed up to 3rd floor, and went to her dorm. Stella opened the door and said "I'm back!" "Oh finally! So, how did it go?" Stella's dormmate Summer asked, and Stella said sadly "NO, I didn't get in." "Oh

23.08.2023 10:29
LinkThere will be defidently another game! I'm sure of it!" Summer encouraged, and Stella cheered up saying "Your right! One game doesn't mean anything!" Summer said "You'll defidently get in next one!" "But the reason why I didn't get in was completely ridiculous! Really! I'm not sick or something.." Stella thought, but didn't say it aloud. "So, what are you gonna do?" Summer asked, and Stella answered "Live on!"
The next day
Random person1 said "Do you know about the rumours?" "There is a forest and in that forest many people has seen a light. I'm telling you!"

24.08.2023 18:20
LinkNext CH: rumours about a ball of light (bc can't write it there)